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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You know what? I don't think you're hardcore at all.

I remember when I was younger - dating myself here, I was about your daughter's age - I played Turok with my old man. I never did beat it when I was a kid, though he did.

It never hurt me at all - he always contextualized the violence for me, but in subtle ways

"Now you know you can't be slashing people in the throat, boy"

"Yes Daddy"

"And don't you be taking my grenade launcher out of the locked closet"

"Yes Daddy"

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The hell New Super Mario Bros wii is super duper omega easy though! I would understand older Mario games that she would have trouble on.


The FBI is now monitoring this thread

Sal.Paradise said:
The FBI is now monitoring this thread

Because of which keywords? "Meow"?

blkfish92 said:
The hell New Super Mario Bros wii is super duper omega easy though! I would understand older Mario games that she would have trouble on.

Dude, I feel pretty bad, now.  I've been playing Mario since the 80's and we died so many times on that last level.  I think it's because my co-op partner would hog up the power-ups (and there was enough for both of us!) and then promptly die.

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Sal.Paradise said:
The FBI is now monitoring this thread

On the internet men are men, women are men and kids are the FBI.


This is guys is either irresponsible or this is a very good attempt at fishing out potentially harrmful parents who would sympathise ?

My boys are 8 and 9. The other day they were at a cousins house playing COD and told me I need to get it so they can get better. I told them... um I have Battlefield 3... just play it and you'll get better. They started playing it the next day and the first F-bomb had the woman in the house saying "ummm no, turn that off". lol

I need to tell them to stick to multi-player or mute the TV. Frankly, I don't care as much about the random violence as that's just not an issue to me. But the extreme language the solo-player campaign feels is absolutely needed for a quality game is ridiculous.

I plan on getting Black OPs 2 for the in-house multi-player/zombie more than anything else. One thing BF missed big time... no local multi-player.

However, my boys have beaten ZeldaTP and SS, NSMBWii, Pokemon B/W, Lego SW Complete Saga, Ghostbusters (wii), LBP 1 and 2, Angry Birds and Space, Zack&Wiki, Pikmin (playing pt 2),... I think that's it... but they play so many random games they often get far and slow down or start playing something new. They would have played more of the various Uncharted/Assassin's Creed/Batman/similar games if I kept them long enough. But I typically sell those after I finish to buy others.

d21lewis said:
blkfish92 said:
The hell New Super Mario Bros wii is super duper omega easy though! I would understand older Mario games that she would have trouble on.

Dude, I feel pretty bad, now.  I've been playing Mario since the 80's and we died so many times on that last level.  I think it's because my co-op partner would hog up the power-ups (and there was enough for both of us!) and then promptly die.

Haha that's pretty funny, coop requires teamwork or course!


DigitalDevilSummoner said:
Sal.Paradise said:
The FBI is now monitoring this thread

On the internet men are men, women are men and kids are the FBI.


This is guys is either irresponsible or this is a very good attempt at fishing out potentially harrmful parents who would sympathise ?

And how old were you when you played your first "mature" game?  Was it Grand Theft Auto 3 back in 2001?  Was it Mortal Kombat Back in 1993?  Or did you wait until you were 18 years old?

I don't know you but be honest, you little devil, you.

It seems to me that d21lewis has actually trained his daughter to ask for games he actually wants but his gf would nag about.. but this way he can say his little girl wants it and buys it... I want Sleeping Dogs but my gf nagged that I have like 25 wrapped and unplayed games laying around my PS3.. she also nags about the amount of sneakers that I have ,12 pair, but thats another story...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)