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My boys are 8 and 9. The other day they were at a cousins house playing COD and told me I need to get it so they can get better. I told them... um I have Battlefield 3... just play it and you'll get better. They started playing it the next day and the first F-bomb had the woman in the house saying "ummm no, turn that off". lol

I need to tell them to stick to multi-player or mute the TV. Frankly, I don't care as much about the random violence as that's just not an issue to me. But the extreme language the solo-player campaign feels is absolutely needed for a quality game is ridiculous.

I plan on getting Black OPs 2 for the in-house multi-player/zombie more than anything else. One thing BF missed big time... no local multi-player.

However, my boys have beaten ZeldaTP and SS, NSMBWii, Pokemon B/W, Lego SW Complete Saga, Ghostbusters (wii), LBP 1 and 2, Angry Birds and Space, Zack&Wiki, Pikmin (playing pt 2),... I think that's it... but they play so many random games they often get far and slow down or start playing something new. They would have played more of the various Uncharted/Assassin's Creed/Batman/similar games if I kept them long enough. But I typically sell those after I finish to buy others.