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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create & Famitsu Japan Sales: Week 32, 2012 (Aug 06 - 12) - Download numbers for NSMB 2 revealed!

BasilZero said:
Kenology said:
Haven't all the Pokemon games had remakes already? If I'm not mistaken, wouldn't it be time for the unveiling of a brand new 3DS iteration?

Just the first and second generations


Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen (GB Remakes on GBA)
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (GBC remakes on NDS)

They need to make the 3rd gen next besides it would make the most sense. You have to remember its only been a year since the last gen pokemon games came out and it does make sense in a way.

Pokemon Red/Blue = Came out in 1998
Pokemon Gold/Silver = Came out in 2000
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire = Came out in 2003
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl = Came out in 2007
Pokemon White/Black = Came out in 2011

So 3-4 years would be better for the series so it wouldnt strain on sales and demand.  (in terms of a new generation)

If 3DS underperforms, they will probably rush it. 

Around the Network

From NG

Obon sales

3DS>>everything else shocking news: PSP>PSV again?

NSMB2, B2/W2, DQX the top sellers


(too much to read lol)

VicViper said:

From NG

Obon sales

3DS>>everything else shocking news: PSP>PSV again?

NSMB2, B2/W2, DQX the top sellers


(too much to read lol)

do you mind linking me to that thread? :)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
VicViper said:

From NG

Obon sales

3DS>>everything else shocking news: PSP>PSV again?

NSMB2, B2/W2, DQX the top sellers


(too much to read lol)

do you mind linking me to that thread? :)


Last page I think

BasilZero said:

Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum arent remakes, their just expansions to the games that came before them whether its expansion of the storyline or certain features such as the battle tower/extra Elite 4 battles/etc.


^ Kinda like how MMORPGs have expansions or some of the recent games have DLCs.

I'd compare the typical "third version" to something more along the lines of a GOTY edition.

Around the Network

Why is everyone disappointed in the second week of Mario? I don't get it...

NintendoPie said:

Why is everyone disappointed in the second week of Mario? I don't get it...

It hasn't reached the acceptable level.

NintendoPie said:

Why is everyone disappointed in the second week of Mario? I don't get it...

It's the sequel to one of the best selling games of all time. Expectations were that this would match those 20+ million sales worldwide.

VicViper said:

From NG

Obon sales

3DS>>everything else shocking news: PSP>PSV again?

NSMB2, B2/W2, DQX the top sellers


(too much to read lol

Hope Mario remained steady and DQX had not to big of a drop.

wow those are way lower DD than what I expected!

I guess the sales are bad for a Mario game or its just that people are waiting for Obon?

it should cross 1m units next week but I'm prepared to be surprised

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(