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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Suda 51: Third party Wii games aren't selling

Soriku said:
Mars said:
Just the reality of the system, 3rd party games will be failures more often then not.

Nintendo Wii
Nintendo game

thats what sales.

Theres a reason Cod4 and Assassins Creed were PS3/360 and not on the wii, and surely don't expect their sequels to be on the wii either.

Wii Sports, Nintendo - 17.75 million
Mario & Sonic Olympics, Sega - 2.50
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, Capcom - 1.34

You expect 3rd partys to support the wii with such a big difference in sales ?

Yeah, and you totally ignore the fact Wii Sports is a pack-in in the US (and EU too?)...

Dude, if NMH was released on the PS3, it'd have trouble breaking 15k WW.

 He's also forgetting the fact that RE4 is a 2 year old game, from which Capcom is profiting so much from the Wii version. And what the hell is wrong with the sales of M & S, at this rate, it might hit 4 million. Tell me, how many 3rd party PS3 games have done that?

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How many has it sold so far, anyway?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Why don't a few Japanese developers do what Konami does with its Metal Gear series: Release it outside of Japan first, and sell it in Japan last?


i think Goichi Suda is going with past trends and going off what past nintendo consoles have done... nintendo needs to prove him and other 3rd developers wrong. . i think thats easier said than done though...



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

^^Not sure if Suda is the right man for that job--none of his games have ever sold notably well, despite a usually high quality.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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radioioRobert said:
Zucas said:
Nintendo has made nothing but quality games. All titles are playable on the Wii, solid titles, and are marketed correctly.

Donkey Kong Barrel Blast says hello.

 Plz don't nitpick my post.  There is always an exception to everything, and I realized that game when I said that, yet I will not take back my wording.  IN general I am apsolutely correct.  Nintendo has made quality games.  And to answer a previous person's post about that quality measure, quality doesn't always mean AAA.  Qaulity means playable, accessible, solid design, ect.   Not all games can be AAA which is why I avoided that.  But quality titles do sell, but they don't need to be AAA to fit under that quality title.  This is common sense.  

Soriku said:

Maybe because they don't have a Western publisher in time. Like how they can easily publish the Japan version much earlier because they are read, instead of waiting 2 months for the US or EU version (like Ubisoft and that one other company publishing the EU version is doing) because the publishers are ready.

Although they can delay the game.

They should imo. A lot of games just sell more in North America and Others. It's like the burden falls onto these two territories shoulders for a game to do extremely well, but at a cost: They have to wait for the damn thing longer than Japan.

whoops, accidentally posted this in the other thread about this, so I'll repost it here:

I would agree with Suda that 3rd party games for Wii aren't doing to hot, but two important points Suda failed to consider.. One; this really only applies in JAPAN.. if we look at the US and Europe 3rd party sales on Wii are actually pretty healthy. and two; ALL consoles in Japan are doing bad 3rd party wise, not just Wii. Why people continue to pick on the Wii for these problems when the other consoles are clearly doing just as bad or worse in terms of 3rd party soft sales perplexes me.

Japan's gaming tastes are simply going through a metamorphosis right now, and it seems so far Nintendo's the only company that is currently in tune with these new tastes and taking advantage of them.

The reason they pick on Wii is because they are Jealous of Nintendo's success. I mean No one is doing well on PS3 so all they can do there is hope it becomes what the PS2 was.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

tokilamockingbrd said:
The reason they pick on Wii is because they are Jealous of Nintendo's success. I mean No one is doing well on PS3 so all they can do there is hope it becomes what the PS2 was.

 They pick on the Wii because they're afraid of Nintendo and their awesome good games.