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Forums - General Discussion - ‘You’ve made your choice’: Man shares dad’s brutal letter disowning him for being gay

happydolphin said:
Player1x3 said:

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

@bold. Yeah, but when it comes to the point of disowning, it's because the parent hates the lifestyle or choice of the child, no matter what that may be. It goes without saying.

If you kick your 25 year old son out of your house because he doesn't have a job yet, does that mean you hate unemployed people ?

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Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
hard to believe how much hate is in some against something to even do this to an own kid.

It wasn't a hateful letter. Some of the responses here definitely are, tho

maybe i understood the text wrong but there is a father who said his son he does never want to see him anymore because he said him that he is gay right? yeah sounds like a nice father too me.

I didn't say he was a good father, but if you hate someone (im using the actual definition of hatred here, not the new left wing definition) you would not wish him a good life and fortune at the end of the letter

i didn't say he hates his son. i said he hates something (the idea of beeing gay) so much that he did that to his son, taking his own son his father for the whole rest of his life.

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

why do you repeat the "he doesn't hate his son" point if i explained to you that i did never say this? i know you are always in these threads with something about gay problems beeing the one saying it's not as bad and such things because you are as well not very cool with that idea (i believe you were even banned because of that once or twice, sry if i'm wrong i believe you were the one) and you can think what you want but seriously, i don't believe thinking something is just wrong does let someone say his son he will never let him in his house anymore and he does never want to see him again.

and not sure what so bad with the word "hate". as example i hate muggy weather but i don't think i have as much problems with that then the father had that his son is gay. so, with my definition of that word, if i hate something like that, he absolutely hates the idea of beein gay because he likes it even less than i like muggy weather^^

and btw, he even said in the letter "if you won't be at my funeral, my firends and "my family" will understand. so, he doesn't even see his own son as his family anymore because no one says a family member that "my" family will understand. he would have said "our" family then.

and yeah we never know the real story so maybe that was about something totally different and not even about gay and the guy posting that letter is a liar. so everything i believe about that case is only if it is like i think, a guy who left the home to work or study anywhere saying then to his father that he is gay and maybe didn't do it before because he didn't know how to explain this to his father because he knew that his father has exreme problems with that because of his belief.

superchunk said:

I disagree with you firmly.

Homosexuality is not against God's word in anyway. Homosexuality is a result of chemicals, hormones, and personal taste. Gay men and women simply have more of the genetic make-up for the opposite sex. Not the ones that change physical appearance, but plenty that change inner preferences to sex.

Homosexuality is a rare and arguably abnormal byproduct of genome randomization and you are born with it. Just like hermaphrodites are both with both sexual organs (but likely prefer on one sex), homosexuals are born with opposing physical and mental sexual orientation.

From a strictly religious point of view, God made gays as much as God made birth defects, abnormalities, hair lips, hermaphrodites, blue eyes, red hair, more than five toes/fingers, twins, conjoined twins, and the platypus.

Additionally, aside from birth conditions (both common and rare) you have the fact that God in most religious ideologies prefers you leave the judging to God in most cases. NONE of these religions even have rules for punishment for homosexuality in their religious books. Its just stupid to think God is against a natural birth condition regardless if its rare or abnormal. (btw, my use of abnormal is not intended to put homosexuality down... its literally "not-normal" in the sense as its not the primary purpose of the sexes considering you can't procreate)

God will judge anti-gays the same as any racist... maybe more as they use God's name to be bigots. (my opinion as a Muslim. Qur'an actually only tells us to separate them for a period of time... to bad bigots change that to death penalty when even murder is encouraged to be forgiven.)

Finally, to your points exactly, its well within anyone's rights to state an opinion regarding this letter/father. Even if his personal belief is his son is damned to Hell, he is pathetic to remove him from his life.

I don't entirely disagree with you on the matter of God's word; however, I would stress not thinking in absolute terms when it comes to God's word as accepted texts vary withn religious traditions, many accepting unwritten word as part of their tradition (many of the Catholic positions are based on the belief that precedents set by the apostles and other represenatives of God carry as much weight as scripture) and other doctrine determined by extension (derived from ambiguous scriptures usually in the hope of addressing specific modern issues; this would be like the Catholic churches positions against contraception and same-sex relationships). As far as I'm aware (don't quote me on this though), the Hadith plays a role in Islamic traditions which is not God's word; rather it is the words (inderect) of Muhammad.

Furthermore, it is often difficult to seperate what is a religious issue and a cultural issue as the two often play hand in hand. What is accepted into many religions as doctrine is little more than what is the commonly accepted belief which has little to do with actual written word. This is why you will often see those with a discriminatory perspective using religion to back their claims (such as when slavery and black rights were still big issues). The fact that there is no written word to back their claim is irrelevant and the issue comes down to their world view being imposed on their religion not the religion being imposed on their world view.

 If someone believes their position is inherently right then it falls that their infallible God would not say otherwise. The issue then comes down to a person erronously believing their own view to be right and that their God is infallibe. These two combined make their position unquestionable and questioning is then deemed offensive.

Now, onto the matter of opinions. I'm not arguing against people stating he is pathetic, I'm just pointing out that it is hypocritical to do so. You yourself acknowledge that judgement should be left up to God yet you make a judgement when you call the man's actions pathetic. To me, it simply seemed the father was recognizing that the son's lifestyle was no longer tolerable to what he viewed as right. He did not wish harm upon the son; however, to tolerate his lifestyle would be to stand against his own convictions. I can respect that, just as I can respect the son for standing by his own convictions and coming out even if it costs him the support of his father.

How do you breathe again?

Player1x3 said:
happydolphin said:
Player1x3 said:

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

@bold. Yeah, but when it comes to the point of disowning, it's because the parent hates the lifestyle or choice of the child, no matter what that may be. It goes without saying.

If you kick your 25 year old son out of your house because he doesn't have a job yet, does that mean you hate unemployed people ?

That's not at all what this letter is about... The comparison is totally out of whack.

If not, on what level does it relate to the letter apart from the two parties living in different places?

It really sucks to know that you can't be totally honest about something with people that you think so highly of like your own family. I wish he never told him and just kept living a lie that his dad would've loved him no matter what.

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That must have been heartbreaking. I literally felt my own heart sink as I read that. :/

Who knows , maybe this man never loved his child enough because he hoped he was born a girl, or because he sucked at baseball and chose basketball over it, and as a result, his child went on seeking love from other dudes.

crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
hard to believe how much hate is in some against something to even do this to an own kid.

It wasn't a hateful letter. Some of the responses here definitely are, tho

maybe i understood the text wrong but there is a father who said his son he does never want to see him anymore because he said him that he is gay right? yeah sounds like a nice father too me.

I didn't say he was a good father, but if you hate someone (im using the actual definition of hatred here, not the new left wing definition) you would not wish him a good life and fortune at the end of the letter

i didn't say he hates his son. i said he hates something (the idea of beeing gay) so much that he did that to his son, taking his own son his father for the whole rest of his life.

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

why do you repeat the "he doesn't hate his son" point if i explained to you that i did never say this? i know you are always in these threads with something about gay problems beeing the one saying it's not as bad and such things because you are as well not very cool with that idea (i believe you were even banned because of that once or twice, sry if i'm wrong i believe you were the one) and you can think what you want but seriously, i don't believe thinking something is just wrong doesn't let someone say his son he will never let him in his house anymore and he does never want to see him again. and not sure what so bad with the word "hate" to say that he doesn't hate the idea of beeing gay doing that to his son. as example i hate muggy weather but i don't think i have as much problems with that then the father had that his son is gay. so, with my definition of that word, if i hate something like that, he absolutely hates the idea of beein gay because he likes it even less than i like muggy weather^^

and yeah we never know the real story so maybe that was about something totally different and not even about gay...

All i was saying is that there were no hatred in that letter nor towards his son. That's why i quoted. Whether or not he actually hates gays is unknown to us and like you said, it could be something entirely different. His son might have AIDS, for all we know


You know, gay couples are a lot more likely to get AIDS than heterosexuals... just putting that out there :)

Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
hard to believe how much hate is in some against something to even do this to an own kid.

It wasn't a hateful letter. Some of the responses here definitely are, tho

Hate is not necessarily bound to anger. Just because the letter was not laced with death threats does not make it less hateful. If anything, it is more hateful, for the man has some form of regret that he must disown his son, and yet disowns him. This is hate at its most pure, not tinted with emotions which might excuse it, but institutionalized, conciously chosen hate.

It is this kind of hate that must be purged from the world.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:
hard to believe how much hate is in some against something to even do this to an own kid.

It wasn't a hateful letter. Some of the responses here definitely are, tho

maybe i understood the text wrong but there is a father who said his son he does never want to see him anymore because he said him that he is gay right? yeah sounds like a nice father too me.

I didn't say he was a good father, but if you hate someone (im using the actual definition of hatred here, not the new left wing definition) you would not wish him a good life and fortune at the end of the letter

i didn't say he hates his son. i said he hates something (the idea of beeing gay) so much that he did that to his son, taking his own son his father for the whole rest of his life.

It still wasn't a hateful letter and he doesn't hate his son. Also, thinking something is wrong doesn't always mean you hate it

why do you repeat the "he doesn't hate his son" point if i explained to you that i did never say this? i know you are always in these threads with something about gay problems beeing the one saying it's not as bad and such things because you are as well not very cool with that idea (i believe you were even banned because of that once or twice, sry if i'm wrong i believe you were the one) and you can think what you want but seriously, i don't believe thinking something is just wrong doesn't let someone say his son he will never let him in his house anymore and he does never want to see him again. and not sure what so bad with the word "hate" to say that he doesn't hate the idea of beeing gay doing that to his son. as example i hate muggy weather but i don't think i have as much problems with that then the father had that his son is gay. so, with my definition of that word, if i hate something like that, he absolutely hates the idea of beein gay because he likes it even less than i like muggy weather^^

and yeah we never know the real story so maybe that was about something totally different and not even about gay...

All i was saying is that there were no hatred in that letter nor towards his son. That's why i quoted. Whether or not he actually hates gays is unknown to us and like you said, it could be something entirely different. His son might have AIDS, for all we know


You know, gay couples are a lot more likely to get AIDS than heterosexuals... just putting that out there :)

So what if he has AIDS? wow I feel sorry for your kids.