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Forums - Sales Discussion - Smarty Pants-Big in Europe, non-exsistent in North America?

I was noticing the sales of Smarty Pants and it seems that all of the sales of the game have been in Europe with virtually none of the sales here in North America. It lists nearly 400,000 copies in Europe but doesn't list any for North America. I know I have the game but has it been that bad of a disaster here that it's not even listed?


By the way, I'm a long time reader, first time poster.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

Around the Network

Is it call Triiviial over there? It certainly is in some territory or other so perhaps it's being tracked separately by accident. There are a lot of duplicate games in the database.

Posting under this as it won't let me log in to my main account.

maybe its tracked seperately

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

It was heavily advertised here in the UK.

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Game_boy said:
It was heavily advertised here in the UK.

Really? I didn't see any adverts. Were they just on Sky? (I only have terrestrial.)

Posting under this as it won't let me log in to my main account.

Around the Network

Same for Boogie only showing NA sales of 230,000.

Judging from store displays and it's often high chart placings on individual store's charts in the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't actually selling a lot more than people thought it was capable of.

ferret1603-2 said:
Game_boy said:
It was heavily advertised here in the UK.

Really? I didn't see any adverts. Were they just on Sky? (I only have terrestrial.)

They were all over terrestrial channels, the advert sucked big time.  It seriously made me want to gauge my eyes out and chew on the jelly.

SeriousWB said:
ferret1603-2 said:
Game_boy said:
It was heavily advertised here in the UK.

Really? I didn't see any adverts. Were they just on Sky? (I only have terrestrial.)

They were all over terrestrial channels, the advert sucked big time.  It seriously made me want to gauge my eyes out and chew on the jelly.

Yes the advert was quite irritating and even more so given I had to see it virtually everyday during the pre-christmas period.

I clearly don't watch enough TV!

Posting under this as it won't let me log in to my main account.

The European title has better selling name, Triiviial.

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