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Forums - Gaming Discussion - worst list of top ten most anticipated games in the next 3 moths

This list is worse than this one dude made about the most anticipated games for the 360 this year; neither Ninja Gaiden 2 or Fable 2 were mentioned. The guy even mentioned games that are in fact being released in 2009, and a few titles that we may presume are vaporware.

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ok ill agree with Beyond the Red Line as one of the best

The demo is awesome!

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carlos710 said:
I don't care about crappy lists like this one. Brawl is by far the biggest game coming in Q1, it will be the best both in reviews and sales.


tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Famine said:
This list is worse than this one dude made about the most anticipated games for the 360 this year; neither Ninja Gaiden 2 or Fable 2 were mentioned. The guy even mentioned games that are in fact being released in 2009, and a few titles that we may presume are vaporware.

 It's only for the first 3 months.

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

It's one guy's personal list of the games he's looking forward to the most. It baffles me how anyone could not want Brawl, but to each his own.

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Duke Of Darkness said:
Famine said:
This list is worse than this one dude made about the most anticipated games for the 360 this year; neither Ninja Gaiden 2 or Fable 2 were mentioned. The guy even mentioned games that are in fact being released in 2009, and a few titles that we may presume are vaporware.

 It's only for the first 3 months.

Oh, so I'll have to post that guys list then.

Parokki said:
It's one guy's personal list of the games he's looking forward to the most. It baffles me how anyone could not want Brawl, but to each his own.

People who don't want Brawl are a strange breed of "pretend" gamers if you will. These are people who think they are real gamers however are not. Some profess their 1337 hardcoreness to cover their failing whereas some just feign ignorance. Still others use Kim Possible avatars to fill the void of awesome in their lives.

Some people dont like games where Kirby is considered a world class brawler

hey roue paul


i went to this big flea market this last weekend and he had a booth setup---sorry ron paul not roue--tel you what i had to about beat them back with a stick