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Forums - Gaming Discussion - worst list of top ten most anticipated games in the next 3 moths

Words Of Wisdom said:
Parokki said:
It's one guy's personal list of the games he's looking forward to the most. It baffles me how anyone could not want Brawl, but to each his own.

People who don't want Brawl are a strange breed of "pretend" gamers if you will. These are people who think they are real gamers however are not. Some profess their 1337 hardcoreness to cover their failing whereas some just feign ignorance. Still others use Kim Possible avatars to fill the void of awesome in their lives.

 i havent liked Brawl since the N64 version. Deal with it. There are better games.

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Yeah , also no HAZE , WTF , that game is really anticipated.

PSN NAME : CommonCriminal

Now Playing : The Orange Box , Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare

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"I, Badonkadonkhr, risk 1 week ban by claiming KH3 will be Sony exclusive, if I am found wrong, I will also start a thread praising those who were right"


RolStoppable said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Parokki said:
It's one guy's personal list of the games he's looking forward to the most. It baffles me how anyone could not want Brawl, but to each his own.

People who don't want Brawl are a strange breed of "pretend" gamers if you will. These are people who think they are real gamers however are not. Some profess their 1337 hardcoreness to cover their failing whereas some just feign ignorance. Still others use Kim Possible avatars to fill the void of awesome in their lives.

How rude. You are a mean person.

How dare you.  I never claimed to be a "person!"

You, sir, are a scallywag. 

*Smacks Rol with a truly hilarious Pikachu hat*  I challenge you to a duel.

We will duel in the only civilized fashion known to mankind:  A Super Smash Bros. Brawl match after release.

Why so shocked that not every gamer in the world looks forward to Brawl? Or No More Heroes? He looks like a PC gamer mostly, same as me, and I'm not particularly excited about those either.
It's not that incredible imo.

Badonkadonkhr said:
Yeah , also no HAZE , WTF , that game is really anticipated.

 Exactly what I thought too.

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If it's his own most anticipated, then fine, but if he's talking in general, Brawl is one of the most hyped games EVER! PHAIL!

My top ten:

1: Half-Life 2: Episode 3

2: Metal Gear Solid 4

3: Gran Turismo 5

4: Mariokart Wii

5: Turok

6: Killzone 2

7: Resistance 2

8: Empire: Total War

9: Starcraft 2

10: Tekken 6