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I just defeated Magusar level 39/42

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Ok I need some serious pointers, lacking tactical nous here in the early stages.

Magusar was a freakin cake walk!!! beat on my second try in like 5-7 min(both forms)

I'm 35/19. Divine Arm IV.

My sigils are defense boosting primarily (Heat/frost damper, defense up, and solo healing up).

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

betacon said:
Ok I need some serious pointers, lacking tactical nous here in the early stages.

What are you having difficulty with? And what are you doing(Story or Avalon quests)?

An easy way of knowing what to go into battle with before ever entering is.....look at the Offerings you get after winning a battle. Get the opposition to those elements and you will usually be steered in the right place at least.

If unsure of what you are fighting, bring healing Seeds. Just in case of emergency.



While in battle, try getting the pattern down for enemy attacks. The Gremlins(Rats) are the most predictable. They reach back with their claw in a haymaker fashion, or leap in the air and stop for like a split second. When you see either of these two motions, strike with a Homing or hand weapon spell to get a COUNTER. These are super effective because they take off like 5x damage or something and will usually kill whatever you are fighting. Also doing 5 of these will net you a good  110 or so in your Scoring.

Also take advantage of elemental effects. Rat with flaming boils? Use charged Ice attacks to freeze him, then once he is a block of ice, Charge a lightning attack to break him and get the massive "Skillful Attack" bonus.

Use Mind's Eye as soon as the battle starts. Otherwise you might forget about it like me. Yet the move is quite useful when u are in need of replinishing spells, or lose track of the flying dead carcases of monsters. Purple is remains waiting to be sacrificed, White is elemental areas you can draw power from, Red are Cursed body parts, that net you a big bonus if you destroy them.

Don't forget to Synthesize stronger more durable spells. If you like to be more hands on in battle, be sure to find a good farm for the particular spell, and just keep getting the parts you need to boost it. I currently have a few Level Medium/Large melee weapons I made, which do a world of hurt.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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^ Do you know any of the other ways to get skillfull attack bonuses? I only know how to do it for fire-enemies. :p

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.


Is there a list for what actions you get points after a mission? I remember

toggling that vision thing +10
Not being hit +150
enemy weakness exposed +30
archfiend weakness exposed +30


Somebody should write that down, could be helpful (pretty sure someone already did)

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

gigantor21 said:
^ Do you know any of the other ways to get skillfull attack bonuses? I only know how to do it for fire-enemies. :p

Humans are suceptible to everything, but I think elemental based enemies are only inclined for their particular weakness. Then you have Normal enemies that can be hurt by it all.

Keep using Venom to Poison an enemy, then use Fire. Use Electricity to Stun, then use Earth, Set someone on Fire, then use Ice, Petrify an enemy and use Venom on it.

I have only gotten Frozen, and Petrify personally.

It basically goes in the wheel. Use the weakness of the element on the inflicted enemy.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Chandler said:

Is there a list for what actions you get points after a mission? I remember

toggling that vision thing +10
Not being hit +150
enemy weakness exposed +30
archfiend weakness exposed +30


Somebody should write that down, could be helpful (pretty sure someone already did)


AwardPoints GivenDescription
Mind's Eye 10 Activate Mind's Eye (Down D-Pad - Default Controls)
Mass Sacrifice 10 Sacrifice three creatures.
Sacrificial Madness 10 Sacrifice five creatures.
Infernal Hell 10 Inflict "Burn" on an Archfiend.
Frozen Hell 10 Inflict "Freeze" on an Archfiend.
Shocking Hell 10 Inflict "Shock" on an Archfiend.
Venomous Hell 10 Inflict "Poison" on an Archfiend.
Petrified Hell 10 Inflict "Petrify" on an Archfiend.
First Attack 20 Deal damage to an enemy before taking damage.
Ally Sacrifice 30 Sacrifice an ally.
To Be Sacrificed 80 Be sacrificed.
Archfiend Sacrifice 30 Sacrifice an Archfiend.
Attack Cursed Part 30 Attack an Archfiend's cursed part (can be seen with Mind's Eye).
Destroy Cursed Part 50 Destroy an Archfiend's cursed part (can be seen with Mind's Eye). Indicated by black blood spewing out of the cursed part.
Destroy All Cursed Parts 70 Destroy all of an Archfiend's cursed parts. Amount remaining is indicated by the red spots on the Archfiend while using Mind's Eye.
Counter 30 Damage an enemy within its attack animation before getting hit.
Many Counters 30 Perform three counters.
Counter Madness 50 Perform five counters.
Vulnerability 40 Damage a creature with its elemental weakness.
Archfiend Vulnerability 50 Damage an Archfiend with its elemental weakness.
Gallantly Protective 50 ?
Wickedly Murderous 50 ?
Reward Bonus Sigil 20/50 Equip a sigil that gives a fixed number of points per mission.  Varies based on level of sigil.
Quick Quest 50 Finish the quest within a given amount of time (varies by quest)
Rapid Quest 80 Finish the quest within a given amount of time (varies by quest)
Godspeed Quest 100 Finish the quest within a given amount of time (varies by quest)
Skillful Attack (Chain Attack) 60 Inflict freeze/burn/poison/petrify/paralyze to any enemy then follow up with a lightning for freeze, ice for burn, fire for poison, venom for petrify, or earth for paralyze.
Black Rite 80 Perform a Black Rite.
Light Injuries 80 Finish the quest having been damaged no more than 50% of your health (excluding Blood spells).
Nearly Unscathed 100 Finish the quest having been damaged no more than 10% of your health (excluding Blood spells).
Unscathed 150 Finish the quest not sustaning any damage (excluding Blood spells).




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Thanks! By the way, what does "destroying a cursed part" do? Do you get more or better loot or is it just for the score?

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.