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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

arcane_chaos said:
waqs checking teh trophies and damn one of them requires you to reach 99 on either life or magic...damn

Yeah that scared me.

If I go 99 Life and 1 Magic, how am I supposed to kill stuff?

And at 99 Magic and 1 Life... how am I supposed to survive hits?

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Sensei said:
arcane_chaos said:
waqs checking teh trophies and damn one of them requires you to reach 99 on either life or magic...damn

Yeah that scared me.

If I go 99 Life and 1 Magic, how am I supposed to kill stuff?

And at 99 Magic and 1 Life... how am I supposed to survive hits?

99:1 ..Use the seals to boost up a little your Magic...

1:99.. Learn the patterns and how to doge like CRAAAAAAAZY!


Rigth now I'm going almost even... but mostly darker... I'm 9:13 and I'm gonna boost the dark side with sortiaras Seal.. ^;^It give you a a nice boot on Spiritual power when sacrficing...


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Sensei said:
arcane_chaos said:
waqs checking teh trophies and damn one of them requires you to reach 99 on either life or magic...damn

Yeah that scared me.

If I go 99 Life and 1 Magic, how am I supposed to kill stuff?

And at 99 Magic and 1 Life... how am I supposed to survive hits?


They balance things out. I,m going for life build but I also have a very decent magic level due to sigils.

So are any of you hosting games? I'd be willing to join up, just need to know what to search for. I'm lvl 37, 10/27 split. So far I've only joined up with mmmfishtacos on vgc. Maybe I'll host my own and invite, but I'm just asking in case. I know people have different available hours. I use Chark as my character name so pretty easy to recognize.

Also, anyone beat the game yet? I know a few must be pretty close.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

I'm wondering, does anyone know if the game has multiple endings ?

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KylieDog said:

So it kind of sucks to get high scores you're forced to sacrifice small enemies, you get several bonuses for sacrificing them but saving them gives you nothing.

Great if you're just doing a mainly chaos build, sucks otherwise.

It doesn't help that sacrificing them gives you more offering usage.  The game has not balanced saving/sacrificing at all.

Well, at a point, it becomes more advantageous to save for the health boost than it would to boost offering for 2 heals. But yes, that's part of the decision. Doing the right or good thing isn't supposed to be the easiest path.

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Seriously the game is Great.. But the AI SUCKS HARD... I had a hard time trying to beat a Carnivorous Slime on pandora's grave(?) because that good for nothing of magusar is so usless... seriously, after I stun the faqing slime he choose to use a shield instead of a offensive magic... it hapenned every faqing time I foutgh the slime, not only in that mission, on others too.. the bad about oit is that I can't sacrifice him.. -,-

And now against the cerberus he did it again... -,- that man is driving me nuts.. I SWEAR I'M GONNA SACRIFICE HIM AT END AND LAUGH VERY LOUD


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lol yeah AI isnt always great, just pretend your fighting on your own and if he dies dont bother saving him, save your health

Well carnatux is a bother if you figth close combat... but magusar is seriously flawed.. he's using againts the cerberus a Electric roar... :/ and he used it just when I stun the monster and send us flying just when I was going to use the golem -,- is just irritating...

But I cannont let him die, a monster can devour him if I let him lying there... and he have to be alive when I kill the monster... and at least works good as a distraction for the boss... specially against cerberus... but still sucks...


i would love If I could edit his magics.. before the battle. -,- but there's a item that give a random magic to an alley...


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