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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Nintendo didnt moneyhat Monster Hunter.

Soriku said:
Pavolink said:
If I'm not wrong, the PR for MHTriG and MH4 talks about "expand" the userbase, not to transfer from one "portable" to other.

In other words, to create a userbase in Nintendo portables + Sony portables, not to go from PSP to 3DS. Also, Nintendo is getting the numbered MH games, while Sony gets the bigger portables series. Not the same.

So, to me, there's no moneyhatting. Maybe Nintendo makes a deal to promote and bundle with 3DS, a handheld with people that buy DQ, 2D and 3D Marios, Pokemon and other middle-big franchises.

There's no way they'd put the word "transfer" in a PR statement. "Expand" is a good alternative.

And the sentence "found a new house" is a better alternative for exclusive, yet I see "expand" as a better fit for multiplatform.

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Quick question if you remove the OP and everything he says after that why leave this open?

snowdog said:
Degausser said:
Monster Hunter 4 is part of the generally console series which appeared on PS2, and then Wii. The fact MH3 was a Wii-exclusive already meant the series was on Nintendo consoles,, 3DS is the natural next console really, as doing a full HD type production on PS3 or Wii-U isn't gonna happen for a Japanese centric franchise.

The Monster Hunter Portable () of which all 3 versions released on the PSP - and the series which skyrocketed it to juggernaut status in Japan imo will remain on Playstation and be a Vita exclusive. It's a few years off and whatever, but the reality is the 3DS MH is a sequel to a Wii game, not a PSP game, and when they make the PSP sequel it'll be on Vita (Albeit exclusivity isn't guarenteed I guess).

The problem is people on here don't actually play or have an interest in the series, so they think the 3DS game is like, the sequel to the PSP one, when it isn't. It's still a big deal though, but not as big as deal as people think.

I doubt very much that we'll see a Monster Hunter for any of the Sony platforms anytime soon. The Vita hasn't even sold over a million in a single territory and by the time the PS4 arrives (even if you don't take into consideration its inevitable higher retail pricepoint) the U will have an installed userbase of anywhere between 10 and 15m assuming that the PS4 is released a year later.

Capcom canned the PS3 exclusive and switched to a Wii exclusive because the PS3 was a complete failure in terms of hardware sales at the time. Christ on a fucking bike, the GBA even outsold it for a few months!!!

I'm personally expecting an announcement from Capcom before the U launches that they're bringing the Monster Hunter franchise to the U. It's a no-brainer. The console is going to fly off shelves over there thanks to Nintendo securing Dragon Quest X, which is the only franchise over there more popular than the Monster Hunter franchise.

Lol, if Nintendo also manage to get an exclusive Final Fantasy title over there for the U then both Sony and Microsoft might as well not bother releasing their next gen consoles over there. ;oP

LOL QUE?? DQ isnt really doing anything for the WIi console. It has been selling far below the PS3 for some time now, in Japan, dont know why you would think that it being released now would help it.

snowdog said:
Degausser said:
Monster Hunter 4 is part of the generally console series which appeared on PS2, and then Wii. The fact MH3 was a Wii-exclusive already meant the series was on Nintendo consoles,, 3DS is the natural next console really, as doing a full HD type production on PS3 or Wii-U isn't gonna happen for a Japanese centric franchise.

The Monster Hunter Portable () of which all 3 versions released on the PSP - and the series which skyrocketed it to juggernaut status in Japan imo will remain on Playstation and be a Vita exclusive. It's a few years off and whatever, but the reality is the 3DS MH is a sequel to a Wii game, not a PSP game, and when they make the PSP sequel it'll be on Vita (Albeit exclusivity isn't guarenteed I guess).

The problem is people on here don't actually play or have an interest in the series, so they think the 3DS game is like, the sequel to the PSP one, when it isn't. It's still a big deal though, but not as big as deal as people think.

I doubt very much that we'll see a Monster Hunter for any of the Sony platforms anytime soon. The Vita hasn't even sold over a million in a single territory and by the time the PS4 arrives (even if you don't take into consideration its inevitable higher retail pricepoint) the U will have an installed userbase of anywhere between 10 and 15m assuming that the PS4 is released a year later.

Capcom canned the PS3 exclusive and switched to a Wii exclusive because the PS3 was a complete failure in terms of hardware sales at the time. Christ on a fucking bike, the GBA even outsold it for a few months!!!

I'm personally expecting an announcement from Capcom before the U launches that they're bringing the Monster Hunter franchise to the U. It's a no-brainer. The console is going to fly off shelves over there thanks to Nintendo securing Dragon Quest X, which is the only franchise over there more popular than the Monster Hunter franchise.

Lol, if Nintendo also manage to get an exclusive Final Fantasy title over there for the U then both Sony and Microsoft might as well not bother releasing their next gen consoles over there. ;oP

Xbox360 with a installbase of 1.5M in Japan got a MH (a port from PC). PS3 got another one on PSN (Portable3rd iirc). Right now, it seems like MH will become a handheld series.

If Wii U gets a MH, is probably that PS3 get another version, or Capcom can develop a Vita-PS3 game.

Finally, DQ is maybe as popular as MH, at least DQIX sold similar numbers to the last PSP MH. But DQX being a MMO won't do anything to Wii. Expectations for FW in Japan are at the lowest at 200k and the highest at 450k.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

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Oniyide, Dragon Quest X hasn't been released yet mate, and I was talking about the U not the Wii anyway. You're less likely to see as much of a sales increase for Wii consoles because the console is in its death throes. The U on the other hand is a different kettle of fish altogether. All you need to do is consider this following formula:

Current Gen Fatigue + Dragon Quest X U = Next Gen Console With The Biggest Franchise In Japan Flying Off Shelves

If you're doubting for a second that one of the big three (Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy in order of importance) isn't going to boost hardware sales then I suggest you stop drinking and/or taking drugs lol.

The Vita getting any one of those three is the only thing that's going to save the portable in Japan. Sony not selling over 1m handhelds in any single territory since launch is pitiful. :Oo

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snowdog said:
Degausser said:
Monster Hunter 4 is part of the generally console series which appeared on PS2, and then Wii. The fact MH3 was a Wii-exclusive already meant the series was on Nintendo consoles,, 3DS is the natural next console really, as doing a full HD type production on PS3 or Wii-U isn't gonna happen for a Japanese centric franchise.

The Monster Hunter Portable () of which all 3 versions released on the PSP - and the series which skyrocketed it to juggernaut status in Japan imo will remain on Playstation and be a Vita exclusive. It's a few years off and whatever, but the reality is the 3DS MH is a sequel to a Wii game, not a PSP game, and when they make the PSP sequel it'll be on Vita (Albeit exclusivity isn't guarenteed I guess).

The problem is people on here don't actually play or have an interest in the series, so they think the 3DS game is like, the sequel to the PSP one, when it isn't. It's still a big deal though, but not as big as deal as people think.

I doubt very much that we'll see a Monster Hunter for any of the Sony platforms anytime soon. The Vita hasn't even sold over a million in a single territory and by the time the PS4 arrives (even if you don't take into consideration its inevitable higher retail pricepoint) the U will have an installed userbase of anywhere between 10 and 15m assuming that the PS4 is released a year later.

Capcom canned the PS3 exclusive and switched to a Wii exclusive because the PS3 was a complete failure in terms of hardware sales at the time. Christ on a fucking bike, the GBA even outsold it for a few months!!!

I'm personally expecting an announcement from Capcom before the U launches that they're bringing the Monster Hunter franchise to the U. It's a no-brainer. The console is going to fly off shelves over there thanks to Nintendo securing Dragon Quest X, which is the only franchise over there more popular than the Monster Hunter franchise.

Lol, if Nintendo also manage to get an exclusive Final Fantasy title over there for the U then both Sony and Microsoft might as well not bother releasing their next gen consoles over there. ;oP

 Monster Hunter had a port released only on the 360 in Japan. PSV will get a version sooner or later as that's what Capcom does, whether it's a port, update or new game we don't know. Further, if they make any version on the console, it'll be a PS3 / Wii U multiplat, the days of console exclusives are dead from third parties. The 3DS announcemnet pretty much shows Capcom don't care to put the series on consoles anymore though.

Question of the day: If you're Capcom, would you release Monster Hunter Freedom 4th on Vita or 3DS?

If it's a whole different game like many people are saying here, no doubt in my mind right now: 3DS.

snowdog said:
Oniyide, Dragon Quest X hasn't been released yet mate, and I was talking about the U not the Wii anyway. You're less likely to see as much of a sales increase for Wii consoles because the console is in its death throes. The U on the other hand is a different kettle of fish altogether. All you need to do is consider this following formula:

Current Gen Fatigue + Dragon Quest X U = Next Gen Console With The Biggest Franchise In Japan Flying Off Shelves

If you're doubting for a second that one of the big three (Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy in order of importance) isn't going to boost hardware sales then I suggest you stop drinking and/or taking drugs lol.

The Vita getting any one of those three is the only thing that's going to save the portable in Japan. Sony not selling over 1m handhelds in any single territory since launch is pitiful. :Oo

YOu didnt say anything about the WIi U. Be more specific next time.  As someone has already said, that game being an MMO might hurt sales a bit, but who knows. New system might make people curious and maybe they will go for it. I'm not holding my breath and LOL at your Vita doomed, it hasnt even had a holiday season yet. It wasnt like 3ds was selling so hot when it came out either, hence the price cut. When Dec. comes and pass then you can say Vita doomed all you want.

VicViper said:
Question of the day: If you're Capcom, would you release Monster Hunter Freedom 4th on Vita or 3DS?

If it's a whole different game like many people are saying here, no doubt in my mind right now: 3DS.

Vita. As happened with 3DS and MHTriG, it could help to create a userbase and to grow the sales of the hardware. Also, releasing all the MH in a single console will hurt the brand while releasing in 2 different portables that not the 100% of the consumers have both will prevent the series fatigue.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Why do people fail to understand that it's the games that sell the system? If a popular game comes to a system, it will sell more, if it sells more, more games come to the system.