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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 failure rates are reportedly down to PS3 levels, just as the generation comes to a close

S.T.A.G.E. is too much of a Sony fanboy in his eyes everyone is afraid of Sony.  He probably also thinks that Nintendo lauched the 3DS early because they where afraid of the Vita even though Nintendo owns the handheld market since the launch of the original gameboy back in 1989.  Even though as dominat as the PS1, and PS2 (more so) where they where never on the same level of dominance as the NES.  Nintendo pretty much controlled all the 3rd party developers during that era they dictated what types of games they could make and how many units they could manufacture.  Also MS was pretty fast in owning up to and resolving all the hardware issuses with the 360.  Sony never publicly acknowledged any of their hardware issuse with both the PS1 and PS2 and did nothing for consumers that where affected. 

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Chris Hu said:

In peoples lives hiatus are usally a good thing in business hiatus are pretty much a bad thing already mentioned Atari can't think of another example because usually when a company takes a hiatus it means that they are gone forever.  Your either in business or out of business.  Also businesses launch faulty products all the time just look at the Chevy Cruze it had numerous problem when it launched in the US but really its should have had close to no problems since its basicly a rebranded Holden Cruze/Daewoo Lacetti Premiere  that was available in other markets two years before the US launch.  The should have resolved all the kinks overseas before the US launch.

wow really!!! facts v facts, or is this just a conversation out of hand? yes businesses launch faulty products all the time, but the 360 situation reminds many of the ford explorer bridge stone situation in the 90's. hell clowns don't flip that much lol.

most of this businesses being afraid of one another thing is impossible to prove anyway, but hey, i'm late to the convo., and everyone seems to have gone back to there corners (S.T.A.G.E. being bannd and all), but if the facts speak for themselves then i'd say in this case. neither one of you got your point accross. 

Chris Hu said:

S.T.A.G.E. is too much of a Sony fanboy in his eyes everyone is afraid of Sony.  Even though as dominat as the PS1, and PS2 (more so) where they where never on the same level of dominance as the NES.  Nintendo pretty much controlled all the 3rd party developers during that era they dictated what types of games they could make and how many units they could manufacture.  Also MS was pretty fast in owning up to and resolving all the hardware issuses with the 360.  Sony never publicly acknowledged any of their hardware issuse with both the PS1 and PS2 and did nothing for consumers that where affected. 

@bold. That's something I can't argue on because I wasn't on the forums in the day, I was really just on IGN for Gamecube news :)

And though MS did remedy the 360 quickly, as the news pointed out, at first there was a lot of denying and that wasn't really cool. Granted, Sony did the exact same thing with the class-action lawsuit on the disc-ruining PS2's (if the earlier link was correct).

@Sony dominance. I understand what you mean, and Nintendo really was a fearsome force, but that's what made their fall (in marketshare) so much more poignant. At the same time, it doesn't discredit what he was saying, though I understand what you mean about giving too much credit to Sony. Yeah, some fans really do that and it's irritating. But in this case I think he was kind of right just maybe wording it as "they were scared of Sony" is the wrong way to say it. It was more like, they were trying to undermine Sony, as I understand it.

Chris Hu said:

In peoples lives hiatus are usally a good thing in business hiatus are pretty much a bad thing already mentioned Atari can't think of another example because usually when a company takes a hiatus it means that they are gone forever.  Your either in business or out of business.  Also businesses launch faulty products all the time just look at the Chevy Cruze it had numerous problem when it launched in the US but really its should have had close to no problems since its basicly a rebranded Holden Cruze/Daewoo Lacetti Premiere  that was available in other markets two years before the US launch.  The should have resolved all the kinks overseas before the US launch.

wow really!!! facts v facts, or is this just a conversation out of hand? yes businesses launch faulty products all the time, but the 360 situation reminds many of the ford explorer bridge stone situation in the 90's. hell clowns don't flip that much lol.

most of this businesses being afraid of one another thing is impossible to prove anyway, but hey, i'm late to the convo., and everyone seems to have gone back to there corners (S.T.A.G.E. being bannd and all), but if the facts speak for themselves then i'd say in this case. neither one of you got your point accross. 

You mean the Firestone and Ford Explorer situation in that case both parties where at fault Ford for designing a poor car and Firestone for making faulty tires.  But the big looser was Firestone they lost their business relationship with Ford that pretty much goes back to the beginnings of Fords founding.  As of today Ford is a company on the rise Bridgestone/Firestone not so much.   Also Ford could have came up with a better business partner then Pirelli to make the default tires for most of their cars.  When it comes to tires Pirelli isn't any better then Bridgestone/Firestone they should have went with the best and started a partnership with Michelin.

By the time the 360 launched the Gamecube was pretty much dead.  And once the Wii launched almost no one made any more new Gamecube games.  Also it looks like the same scenario will play out with the Wii and Wii U.  The orginal X-Box pretty much was dead once the 360 launched also except for sports games which always stick arround the longest.

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Chris Hu said:
Chris Hu said:

In peoples lives hiatus are usally a good thing in business hiatus are pretty much a bad thing already mentioned Atari can't think of another example because usually when a company takes a hiatus it means that they are gone forever.  Your either in business or out of business.  Also businesses launch faulty products all the time just look at the Chevy Cruze it had numerous problem when it launched in the US but really its should have had close to no problems since its basicly a rebranded Holden Cruze/Daewoo Lacetti Premiere  that was available in other markets two years before the US launch.  The should have resolved all the kinks overseas before the US launch.

wow really!!! facts v facts, or is this just a conversation out of hand? yes businesses launch faulty products all the time, but the 360 situation reminds many of the ford explorer bridge stone situation in the 90's. hell clowns don't flip that much lol.

most of this businesses being afraid of one another thing is impossible to prove anyway, but hey, i'm late to the convo., and everyone seems to have gone back to there corners (S.T.A.G.E. being bannd and all), but if the facts speak for themselves then i'd say in this case. neither one of you got your point accross. 

You mean the Firestone and Ford Explorer situation in that case both parties where at fault Ford for designing a poor car and Firestone for making faulty tires.  But the big looser was Firestone they lost their business relationship with Ford that pretty much goes back to the beginnings of Fords founding.  As of today Ford is a company on the rise Bridgestone/Firestone not so much.   Also Ford could have came up with a better business partner then Pirelli to make the default tires for most of their cars.  When it comes to tires Pirelli isn't any better then Bridgestone/Firestone they should have went with the best and started a partnership with Michelin.

thanks for correction. don't see much of either on cars (yea i'm a car person, but can't fix one if i had the tools lol) these days, but i knew it was one of them.

so the wii has the best record. no suprise there lol. and good yr.

Chris Hu said:

By the time the 360 launched the Gamecube was pretty much dead.  And once the Wii launched almost no one made any more new Gamecube games.  Also it looks like the same scenario will play out with the Wii and Wii U.  The orginal X-Box pretty much was dead once the 360 launched also except for sports games which always stick arround the longest.

How does this relate to the thread? :B

happydolphin said:
Chris Hu said:

By the time the 360 launched the Gamecube was pretty much dead.  And once the Wii launched almost no one made any more new Gamecube games.  Also it looks like the same scenario will play out with the Wii and Wii U.  The orginal X-Box pretty much was dead once the 360 launched also except for sports games which always stick arround the longest.

How does this relate to the thread? :B

Well you said you where still looking for Gamecube news on ign during the 360's launch and early days.  Most of the posts in this thread don't relate as for the 360 current reliabily I already mentioned that the S model is pretty reliable had mine for almost a year and half now and never had any problems with it and its beging  heavily used all the time since I'm not even the primary user.

Chris Hu said:

Well you said you where still looking for Gamecube news on ign during the 360's launch and early days.  Most of the posts in this thread don't relate as for the 360 current reliabily I already mentioned that the S model is pretty reliable had mine for almost a year and half now and never had any problems with it and its beging  heavily used all the time since I'm not even the primary user.

I'm not really talkin' about current reliability, I know that it's good. If I had the money I would probs buy one. Luckily my future roommate owns one so it should be all good.

My GC comment was just to say that I didn't know about the PS2's reliability fialure because I was paying attention to GC news. Haha, you went on to say the GC wasn't selling well, it was kind of funny.

"By the time the 360 launched the Gamecube was pretty much dead.  And once the Wii launched almost no one made any more new Gamecube games.  Also it looks like the same scenario will play out with the Wii and Wii U. "

Baha, I didn't get it

The 360 could use another price cut but I guess MS is waiting for the price of the super slim PS3 and/or the launch price of the Wii U before making a decision on another price cut.  But in reality they should have had another price cut a couple of month ago already.