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Chris Hu said:

Well you said you where still looking for Gamecube news on ign during the 360's launch and early days.  Most of the posts in this thread don't relate as for the 360 current reliabily I already mentioned that the S model is pretty reliable had mine for almost a year and half now and never had any problems with it and its beging  heavily used all the time since I'm not even the primary user.

I'm not really talkin' about current reliability, I know that it's good. If I had the money I would probs buy one. Luckily my future roommate owns one so it should be all good.

My GC comment was just to say that I didn't know about the PS2's reliability fialure because I was paying attention to GC news. Haha, you went on to say the GC wasn't selling well, it was kind of funny.

"By the time the 360 launched the Gamecube was pretty much dead.  And once the Wii launched almost no one made any more new Gamecube games.  Also it looks like the same scenario will play out with the Wii and Wii U. "

Baha, I didn't get it