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Chris Hu said:

S.T.A.G.E. is too much of a Sony fanboy in his eyes everyone is afraid of Sony.  Even though as dominat as the PS1, and PS2 (more so) where they where never on the same level of dominance as the NES.  Nintendo pretty much controlled all the 3rd party developers during that era they dictated what types of games they could make and how many units they could manufacture.  Also MS was pretty fast in owning up to and resolving all the hardware issuses with the 360.  Sony never publicly acknowledged any of their hardware issuse with both the PS1 and PS2 and did nothing for consumers that where affected. 

@bold. That's something I can't argue on because I wasn't on the forums in the day, I was really just on IGN for Gamecube news :)

And though MS did remedy the 360 quickly, as the news pointed out, at first there was a lot of denying and that wasn't really cool. Granted, Sony did the exact same thing with the class-action lawsuit on the disc-ruining PS2's (if the earlier link was correct).

@Sony dominance. I understand what you mean, and Nintendo really was a fearsome force, but that's what made their fall (in marketshare) so much more poignant. At the same time, it doesn't discredit what he was saying, though I understand what you mean about giving too much credit to Sony. Yeah, some fans really do that and it's irritating. But in this case I think he was kind of right just maybe wording it as "they were scared of Sony" is the wrong way to say it. It was more like, they were trying to undermine Sony, as I understand it.