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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Darksiders 2 studio hits out at "derogatory", "frustrating" Zelda comparisons

Its already been said, but i'll say it again, its clear that lilbroex has never played Darksiders and he is EXACTLY the type of crazed person that Mr. Dalton is talking about. If you didnt play the game dont comment on it, regardless of what the media says.

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oniyide said:
Its already been said, but i'll say it again, its clear that lilbroex has never played Darksiders and he is EXACTLY the type of crazed person that Mr. Dalton is talking about. If you didnt play the game dont comment on it, regardless of what the media says.

And you would be wrong. I have played it. Its resemblance to Twilight Princess was onimpresent. It was pretty much a mature version of it.


I'm not the topic of this thread though.

Honestly my interest picked after I read some comparisons with Zelda. After playing the 1st game I feel it has some similar things, but I would say is more a God of war game with some zelda chimes here and there.


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

To be frank, after seeing some footage of Darksiders, I never understood the relation.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I would love for someone to make a good Zelda clone... because it's been years since we got an actual Zelda game that I thoroughly enjoyed (the last one was Minish Cap on GBA).

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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It a more violent Twlight Princess

lilbroex said:

It a more violent Twlight Princess

A gross oversimplification of both games. The chief similarities between them are the structure of the worlds and how more items allow you to explore the worlds more fully. They're not like Metroid in that there's a delineation between the overworld and "dungeon" areas, which is one of the hallmarks of Zelda and a few other games in the mostly-dead genre (like Shadow Man, for one), but that doesn't make them identical. Neither does a big-ass overworld being made easier to traverse by way of a mount. How did you expect one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse to get around, anyway?

The combat pic comparison is egregiously misleading and disengenuous. The combo system and enemy interactions owe much more to God of War or Devil May Cry than they do to Zelda, as do the boss encounters, as do the storytelling modes. It's an intrinsically western game with intrinsically western values, and equating it to Zelda just because they both have th dungeon/overworld dichotomy is needlessly reductive for both titles.

for me this game instead of being Zelda+GOW (like the first one), it is more like Diablo+GOW; and that is even better!

lilbroex said:
oniyide said:
Its already been said, but i'll say it again, its clear that lilbroex has never played Darksiders and he is EXACTLY the type of crazed person that Mr. Dalton is talking about. If you didnt play the game dont comment on it, regardless of what the media says.

And you would be wrong. I have played it. Its resemblance to Twilight Princess was onimpresent. It was pretty much a mature version of it.


I'm not the topic of this thread though.

Really?? You thought it was like TP?? Okay.

NightDragon83 said:
I would love for someone to make a good Zelda clone... because it's been years since we got an actual Zelda game that I thoroughly enjoyed (the last one was Minish Cap on GBA).

3d dot game heroes???