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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Far Cry 3 vs Crysis 3 - Dare I say it.....

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Far Cry 3 vs Crysis 3

Far Cry 3 b**ches! 24 53.33%
Ah Hell naw, Crysis 3 all the way! 21 46.67%

I expect Crysis 3 will have better competitive multiplayer

The jury is out on Far Cry 3 any mode

I don't think the graphics are that important once they are above a certain level which both are easily beyond. Now I care about gameplay, AI, character/story, immersiveness, loading times, soundtrack, and you know... the other more important things than graphics.

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On PC I would say technically Crysis 3 wins from what I have seen, at least if it has all the features that were teased in the leaked E3 DX11 presentation.

But aesthetically I would still say that Far Cry 3 looks a lot better so far. To be honest I haven't liked the look of any Cryengine 3 game so far, IDK what it is but things just don't quite look right in that engine. I think it's something to do with the lighting. Far Cry 3 looks so vibrant and richly detailed and the animation work is really good, kinda exaggerated which fits the tone.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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CGI-Quality said:
Bristow9091 said:
... Also you should find some Far Cry 3 E3 2012 footage since the graphics were considerably better than at E3 2011...

Couldn't seem to find PC footage for 2012. That's the reason I used E3 2011, as, if I can recall, it's running on the PC. 

As far as I know the only console footage they have shown was the Co-op gameplay at the Sony presser at E3 as they have a rule that all gameplay footage must be running on a PS3.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

CGI-Quality said:

As far as I know the only console footage they have shown was the Co-op gameplay at the Sony presser at E3 as they have a rule that all gameplay footage must be running on a PS3.

Even last year's footage? If that's true, the PC version will look miles better than I thought it would!

I think you may have miss understood, last years E3 gameplay, the drugs gameplay, the burning building, and the trailer from the Ubi conferance is all PC footage. 

The only console footage shown to my knowledge is the co-op gameplay from the Sony press conference at E3 2012 (as Sony has a rule that all footage shown at their event has to be running on PS3), which is why it looks so much worse than everything else they have ever shown. 

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

CGI-Quality said:
zarx said:
CGI-Quality said:

As far as I know the only console footage they have shown was the Co-op gameplay at the Sony presser at E3 as they have a rule that all gameplay footage must be running on a PS3.

Even last year's footage? If that's true, the PC version will look miles better than I thought it would!

I think you may have miss understood, last years E3 gameplay, the drugs gameplay, the burning building, and the trailer from the Ubi conferance is all PC footage. 

The only console footage shown to my knowledge is the co-op gameplay from the Sony press conference at E3 2012 (as Sony has a rule that all footage shown at their event has to be running on PS3), which is why it looks so much worse than everything else they have ever shown. 

I did misunderstand, because you didn't specify which footage you were talking about until just now :P

So, as I thought, the footage in the second post here is PC. Got it.

Yea it is PC

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity...

The real question here is will either top 5 year old Crysis 1 graphics and dare I say, they probably won't.

But so far far-cry 3 is looking very nice, crysis 2 was very bland and 3 probably won't be any different.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

CGI-Quality said:
richardhutnik said:
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity...


Come again?

I wasn't sure where to go with the line, so I left it at that.  I was going to post it being something about posting one title (or console) against another one, and expecting different results

As for why I post it, if someone doesn't know, then they don't know at least one of the titles.

did you get your PC yet CGI ? you'll have to check who looks better yourself, i also feel that FC3 looks better, all the green and smooth animations.

Haven't played any main games in both franchises. Did play Far Cry Instincts for original xbox and thought it was okay. Far Cry 3 though looks quite interesting and worth checking out. From the looks it looks like a better game graphically on the consoles too.