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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - PlayStation All-Stars’ Developers Want Super Mario To Join Sony’s Brawler

M.U.G.E.N said:
JWeinCom said:

Did I say at any point that New Super Mario Bros is innovative?  If you want to have an intelligent conversation about this I'm game.  If you want to shove words in my mouth and try to trap me with strawmen arguments, than, with all due respect,  I have no interest in talking to you.

As for Luigi's Mansion and Kid Icarus, name some games that are similar to those titles.  Every company does have some unique titles.  But, some have a whole lot more than others.  Sony is one with relatively few, especially when you consider that they're one of the 3 biggest companies in the industry.

As for Infamous, while I like the series, there is not much difference between Infamous and other open world super hero epics.  Spiderman 2/3/Web of Shadows, and Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction immediately come to mind.

Nintendoland is not really like Playstation Home at all.  It's a minigame hub, and I think that the idea of assymetrical gaming is very unique and appealing.  I love the concept of the Wii U allowing multiple players of varying skills play the same game yet have a different experience.  I think the idea of using the Wii U integrating social features into even singleplayer games is a great idea.  Of course, it waits to be seen how these features will be implemented.

I assume in terms of Eyetoy stuff, you're referring to Kinetic, which was kind of a half baked excercise program that revolved around punching orbs.  It was kind of a neat idea, but it wasn't fleshed out as well as it should have been, and the technology wasn't really there.

That's the difference between Wii Fit and Smash Brothers All Stars.  Wii Fit wasn't the first exercise game, but it did new things.  Implementing the balance board, keeping records of weight and balance, it's incredibly friendly UI interface, etc. 

In conclusion, did Nintendo create motion controlled games?  No.  Did they revolutionize the concept, put their own spin on it, and popularize it?  Yes.  Has Sony done the same with the Party Brawling genre?  Absolutely not.

lol holy crap! I don't think I have seen such an ironic post of this magnitude in a long long time. You basically make statement A..then follow up with something to contradict it all throughout this post

anywho the other two are arguing with you on the matter so I won't get in the middle of it but one question

have you even played inFamous? Honestly doesn't sound like you have

I absolutely have played Infamous.  1 and 2.  Went blue Karma on both.  Saved Kuo.  Got cool ice powers etc. Actually really enjoyed the game, but I don't see where it did anything especially creative.  The UGC missions in two were kind of innovative, but not implemented very well IMO.  They were too bland to be worth playing.

Anyway, where exactly did I contradict myself?  If you're going to criticize, please be specific ^_^

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JWeinCom said:
o_O.Q said:
JWeinCom said:

o_O.Q said:
i see this statment getting thrown around a lot in the context of nintendo but i can't really take it seriously when the highlight of their show was mario games that have changed very little over the course of 20 years and pikmin that again seems to be more of the same

JWeinCom said:

  However, it's a bit discouraging to see one of the biggest companies in gaming settling for a derivative title instead of working to create something innovative and unique.

i see this statment getting thrown around a lot in the context of nintendo but i can't really take it seriously when the highlight of their show was mario games that have changed very little over the course of 20 years and pikmin that again seems to be more of the same

First off, there is a difference between building upon your own successes and trying to leech of of others.

Second of all, there is nothing wrong with building on your successes, as long as you are also looking for new things as well.  Nintendo has a history of basically creating genres.  Mario Kart begets Crash Team Racing, Mario Party begets Crash Bash, Wii Fit begets Your Shape, Wii Sports begets Sports Champions, Smash Brothers Begets Playstation All-Stars, Brain Age begets a whole slew of mental training games, and so on so forth. You mentioned Pikmin as a sign of Nintendo's lack of creativity, but how many franchises out there are really like it?  How many games like Kid Icarus Uprising are out there?  Are there a ton of games out there like Luigi's Mansion, or Paper Mario?  Project P-100? 

And that's really what seperates the two companies.  Sure, Nintendo tries to capitalize on their successes, but they're also continually creating new genres, exploring new ideas, creating new ways to play, and so on so forth.  Sony on the other hand tends to try and capitalize on market trends.  For all of their polish, games like Uncharted 3 and Infamous 2 add precious little in terms of novelty or innovation.  Games like Everybody Dance and Sports Champions are poor attempts to follow in the footsteps of other companies. 

With few exceptions (Little Big Planet and Heavy Rain stand out) Sony doesn't strive to innovate.  Playstation All Stars is not  an abberation, it is part of a pattern.  Sony is continually looking to their rivals and accordingly, they frequently finds themselves scrambling to catch up to market trends.  If they continue this pattern, it's hard to see them ever regaining the commanding lead they once had in the gaming industry.

Oh, and why I would care about this game is simple.  Like most people on VGChartz, I'm a pretty passionate gamer, so I'm naturally interested in the direction of the three major companies who play a huge role in shaping the future of the industry ^_^.

i fail to understand how you can try to lable luigi's mansion and kid icarus uprising as being ever so unique and write off infamous 2 as having little novelty or innovation... what is so differentiating about those games?


"You mentioned Pikmin as a sign of Nintendo's lack of creativity, but how many franchises out there are really like it?"

thats like me asking how many franchises out there are like flower or steel batalion

the fact of the matter is that every company has its own unique titles not just nintendo and that you're trying to imply that that isn't so is amsuing imo


"With few exceptions (Little Big Planet and Heavy Rain stand out) Sony doesn't strive to innovate"

yeah... but somehow the 50th 2d mario is innovation

nintendo has shown their new console off for 2 years now and i struggle to see anything new or innovative being released by them for it

sure you could look at nintendoland but imo if this game can be called a copy of smash then nintendo land is a watered down copy of playstation home


edit : btw if you knew more about gaming history then you would know that wii fit, wii sports etc type games were done on the eyetoy long before the wii was released and even before that on other platforms

that you try to claim that the wii was the originator for these types of games is again imo laughable

Did I say at any point that New Super Mario Bros is innovative?  If you want to have an intelligent conversation about this I'm game.  If you want to shove words in my mouth and try to trap me with strawmen arguments, than, with all due respect,  I have no interest in talking to you.

As for Luigi's Mansion and Kid Icarus, name some games that are similar to those titles.  Every company does have some unique titles.  But, some have a whole lot more than others.  Sony is one with relatively few, especially when you consider that they're one of the 3 biggest companies in the industry.

As for Infamous, while I like the series, there is not much difference between Infamous and other open world super hero epics.  Spiderman 2/3/Web of Shadows, and Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction immediately come to mind.

Nintendoland is not really like Playstation Home at all.  It's a minigame hub, and I think that the idea of assymetrical gaming is very unique and appealing.  I love the concept of the Wii U allowing multiple players of varying skills play the same game yet have a different experience.  I think the idea of using the Wii U integrating social features into even singleplayer games is a great idea.  Of course, it waits to be seen how these features will be implemented.

I assume in terms of Eyetoy stuff, you're referring to Kinetic, which was kind of a half baked excercise program that revolved around punching orbs.  It was kind of a neat idea, but it wasn't fleshed out as well as it should have been, and the technology wasn't really there.

That's the difference between Wii Fit and Smash Brothers All Stars.  Wii Fit wasn't the first exercise game, but it did new things.  Implementing the balance board, keeping records of weight and balance, it's incredibly friendly UI interface, etc. 

In conclusion, did Nintendo create motion controlled games?  No.  Did they revolutionize the concept, put their own spin on it, and popularize it?  Yes.  Has Sony done the same with the Party Brawling genre?  Absolutely not.

you haven't answered my question "what is so differentiating about those games?"

lol so infamous is similar to spiderman and hulk? ok your opinion

"Nintendoland is not really like Playstation Home at all.  It's a minigame hub"

what is playstation home? isn't playstation home a minigame hub?


I assume in terms of Eyetoy stuff, you're referring to Kinetic, which was kind of a half baked excercise program that revolved around punching orbs.  It was kind of a neat idea, but it wasn't fleshed out as well as it should have been, and the technology wasn't really there."

thats pretty ironic as i've heard people say the same thing of wii sports


"Wii Fit wasn't the first exercise game, but it did new things.  "

"Did they revolutionize the concept, put their own spin on it, and popularize it?"

so sony and microsoft didn't do the same when they released their own motion sports games?

SlumsofOhio said:
o_O.Q said:
SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers. So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character? How about supers? Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw? Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

yes to the bolded ( 4 different throws actually ) and yes some stages do change but the stages in playstation all stars seem way more dynamic

The throws are directional right? So like if I throw a character down to the ground, can I follow with a mixup of some kind?  Are there high and low attacks? Can you block? 

I'm looking at this from a competitive view. I'm not trying to discredit the game or anything.

Then go back to melee since neither brawl or all star are bringing a good competitive game.

And yes, you have all those in smash sometimes depending on the character.

lilbroex said:
Lets us all not forget that when e3 was going on, they had nothing but Smash Brothers tags listed under there YouTube video at first. Does anyone still have the photos from before they changed it?

Is that all you have? Some dude that likely doesn't work for the studio and probably isn't  a developer at all added some tags to a youtube video that references probably the only vaguely similar game to PS All-Stars?  That's it?

4 ≈ One

Deoz said:

Then go back to melee since neither brawl or all star are bringing a good competitive game.

And yes, you have all those in smash sometimes depending on the character.

did you play all stars at evo or sdcc?

Around the Network
Deoz said:
SlumsofOhio said:
o_O.Q said:
SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers. So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character? How about supers? Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw? Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

yes to the bolded ( 4 different throws actually ) and yes some stages do change but the stages in playstation all stars seem way more dynamic

The throws are directional right? So like if I throw a character down to the ground, can I follow with a mixup of some kind?  Are there high and low attacks? Can you block? 

I'm looking at this from a competitive view. I'm not trying to discredit the game or anything.

Then go back to melee since neither brawl or all star are bringing a good competitive game.

And yes, you have all those in smash sometimes depending on the character.

Hey, Brawl made it to MLG, it had to have something competitive going for it. 

I've never played Melee, so I can't go back to it. 


o_O.Q said:
Deoz said:

Then go back to melee since neither brawl or all star are bringing a good competitive game.

And yes, you have all those in smash sometimes depending on the character.

did you play all stars at evo or sdcc?

Got a little personal feedback since my pal went there to be eliminated at KoF.

Also lot of videos and mechanic info. 

SlumsofOhio said:

Hey, Brawl made it to MLG, it had to have something competitive going for it. 

I've never played Melee, so I can't go back to it. 

i wouldnt really call that competitive, specially compared to melee.

The skillceling is pretty dam different.

PlaystaionGamer said:
JWeinCom said:
BasilZero said:
JWeinCom said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
'LMAO. I guess that just ripping off every aspect of the game isn't enough. They want the actual characters too'

hardly, Brawlers arnt owned by Nintendo or even started with them.

Brawlers weren't started by Nintendo, but Superbot has lifted the aesthetics and a good deal of the gameplay mechanics directly from Smash. 

You can say that pretty much to every single game that is coming out these days especially fighters.


Games copy elements from each other, not sure why people make a big fuss over it especially for this game.


@topic - Sounds more like a compliment, that they acknowledge Mario as a iconic figure in the gaming industry. Although there is no way they would be able to put Mario in the game, I would take it as a compliment, not as a statment or a cry to get him in the game. l0l at people who get upset cause of this.

Actually, I don't think you can say that about every game coming out today.  That's a cop out that gives developers an excuse to get lazy and quit innovating.  Check out games like Kid Icarus Uprising, or Ghost Trick and Catherine from last year.  These games were chock full of originality.  They took very sparingly from other games, while adding an incredible amount of novelty.

Look at a game like Rayman Origins.  Nobody looks at Rayman and says "OMG IT'S A MARIO CLONE".  That's because it isn't.  Rayman Origins uses its own unique art style, different game mechanics, unique level design, and tons of unique quirks and personality.

Take a look at Smash Brothers itself.  One of the reasons Smash Brothers took off, besides its powerful license, was because it was so unique.  Sure, it featured characters punching and kicking each other like any other fighter, but it featured a simplified control scheme that allowed players to easily get into the action, unique mechanics that eschewed the typical life bars, a unique aesthetic, etc.

Then we have Playstation All-Stars.  Its visual style is a clear imitation of Smash Brothers, and by all accounts its controls are very similar.  Despite the nice idea of combining two different worlds for each stage, the overall level design is very similar.  The main difference between the games thus far seems to be the method of knocking out your opponent.  The jury is out on whether this will be a positive or a negative change.

Maybe Sony Smash will be a great game, and if Sony fans enjoy it, than good for them.  However, it's a bit discouraging to see one of the biggest companies in gaming settling for a derivative title instead of working to create something innovative and unique.



PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Wow, first we get a thread about how VGC mods are SONY biased and throw out bans for any SONY negativity.

Then you make a thread with the intent to only bitch and trash talk something SONY when the source is nothing more than a light hearted comment which is actually a compliment to Mario and Nintendo.

You must have missed the memo where it is said that only Nintendo bashing goes on around here. This thread shouldn't exist in the current state of VGC.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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