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Forums - Sales Discussion - June 2012 NPD Thread - Everything is here!

thismeintiel said:
fedfed said:
thismeintiel said:
Nice to see the Vita spot on. And the PSP spot on, give or take (most likely give if they are both at ~100K) a couple K. 3DS over by ~20K. I think there's a good chance that once the Vita hits $199 in the US, it would start selling on par, maybe even slightly passing, the 3DS's sales.



No. It may, MAY, pass what the 3DS was selling at the time, and be near what it's selling currently. But remember; the 3DSXL and NSMB2 are coming, and soon. Expect 3DS sales to double for a week or 3, and stabilise about 150% higher than current sales. No way the Vita could hit that.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Sony need new slim model and price cut to get close to 360 on monthly basis in NA. Provided MS doesnt cut 360 price as well otherwise the gap will be like last year.

ioi said:
Boutros said:
I'm really upset with VGC going into maintenance during NPD time. That's what happens when the admins lose touch with with the community. Otherwise they would have known NPD day is the most exciting day of all month and they would have postponed the maintenance. I hope it was really necessary.

The server crashed, it wasn't intentional...

It's alright then.

Ah, numbers were pretty close this month. Anyways good to see console numbers weren't that bad (at least to 2012 standards).






Boutros said:
I'm really upset with VGC going into maintenance during NPD time. That's what happens when the admins lose touch with with the community. Otherwise they would have known NPD day is the most exciting day of all month and they would have postponed the maintenance. I hope it was really necessary.

Why is it the most exciting day? I think this is my first NPD thread so I'm not sure what to look at.... :0

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NintendoPie said:
Boutros said:
I'm really upset with VGC going into maintenance during NPD time. That's what happens when the admins lose touch with with the community. Otherwise they would have known NPD day is the most exciting day of all month and they would have postponed the maintenance. I hope it was really necessary.

Why is it the most exciting day? I think this is my first NPD thread so I'm not sure what to look at.... :0

hmmm... I believe this is the day we get NPD data

Jay520 said:
NintendoPie said:
Boutros said:
I'm really upset with VGC going into maintenance during NPD time. That's what happens when the admins lose touch with with the community. Otherwise they would have known NPD day is the most exciting day of all month and they would have postponed the maintenance. I hope it was really necessary.

Why is it the most exciting day? I think this is my first NPD thread so I'm not sure what to look at.... :0

hmmm... I believe this is the day we get NPD data

Thanks, that really helped, Jay!

Conegamer said:
My word. What hideous figures.

Actually, when you consider that the PS3 and 360 are nearing their final years before they are replaced, the numbers are not hideous. They are actually decent. Especially considering the 360 has a lot of room for a cut. If they were somehow matching last years numbers, now that would be amazing. But they are dropping considerably, which should be expected. It's normal.

EDIT: Of course it would fix itself...

Lol, cursed NPD thread!
First server breaks, now thread breaks!