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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ueda speaks about The Last Guardian.

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sergiodaly said:
WiiBox3 said:
BasilZero said:
WiiBox3 said:
BasilZero said:
I can wait! I'm about to get the Ico HD collection in my mail next week *___*

I've been planning on getting that collection. I never played ICO, because by the time I became interested, it was selling for so much on Ebay, I stayed away. But I loved Shadow.


If you have a PS3 , order it on Amazon for 19.99 *_*

$20. Are you kidding me. Just ordered.

hope amazon UK does the same cause i want that collection too.

Yeah it's hard to argue with a price like that.

Around the Network

I'm just happy that it's still in development. Hopefully we get some info at TGS.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

finish the f**king game already!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Take your time, I can be patient.

i can't believe this hasn't been released or canned by now. this is just embarrassing now.

Around the Network

I really hope we'll get to see this at TGS.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

kitler53 said:
i can't believe this hasn't been released or canned by now. this is just embarrassing now.

It is embarrassing, but it's also admirable that a developer has ambitions and visions on such a level that they risk failure, that they risk embarrassment. And admirable that Sony allows Team ICO to fail and gives them a proper chance to finish the game. (God, that sounded pretentious)

I am happy that the game lives and with these latest reports I think there is no more doubt that it will be released eventually. It won't be canned. I expect it in 2014.

Do we know anything about the gameplay yet?

BasilZero said:
WiiBox3 said:
BasilZero said:
I can wait! I'm about to get the Ico HD collection in my mail next week *___*

I've been planning on getting that collection. I never played ICO, because by the time I became interested, it was selling for so much on Ebay, I stayed away. But I loved Shadow.


If you have a PS3 , order it on Amazon for 19.99 *_*

Deja vu. :P



I really hope this game doesn't become overbaked (from being in development for so long) or feeling like a bunch of separate elements thrown together (from the separate teams working on it) but my hype for this game is almost non-existent. =(

Lafiel said:

not sure about that last sentence - yes, they have spent a lot of time on the game, but Team Ico itself is a small group and I'm not sure how many people actually worked on the title (and workstations, salary and outsourced work/licensed work afaik are the main expenses of a video game production)

ofcourse now that Sony Santa Monica is in with it it should be a lot more people and a lot more expensive if they take a long time

I think they have about 50 people, let's say the average salary is £30,000 a year. That's around £10,000,000 ($15m) just to pay Team ICO for 6-7 years. Add to that everything else that comes with game development + some Santa Monica guys + marketing if it finally does come out... I don't really know what the total cost would be but I would guess it to be £25m-ish minimum ($40m), probably quite a bit more. For a game that'll struggle to push 1m unit...


It's not looking good financially. All Sony can really do is make up as much as they can. 

That's fucking terrible, Team ICO should either get itself together or get shut down. Just look at it from a business perspective; in the 6 years they've been working on a game that'll barely do 1m units, ND has created 3 games, shipping 15m units collectively, and they have one more that'll almost definitely release before TLG comes out. That's just one example, similar things can be said for just about any other Sony 1st Party studio.