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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Graphical comparison of Batman Arkham City: Wii U vs PS3

chapset said:
Chrizum said:

What did you say, Gilgamesh?

Holy fuck look at them banners and that airship, next gen here we come

I actually laughed out loud

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c03n3nj0 said:
Could it be that the in the exploding tower picture, the blurriness of the building to the right and the background in the Wii U version is trying to mimic the eye? As in, whatever's not in your focus becomes blurry. The tower is in focus, while the buildings around it are not. It's just a thought.

Anyhow, I feel like a lot of the technical differences between the two versions, unless they REALLY improved Arkham City for Wii U, would be like the differences between the PS2 and GC versions of Resident Evil 4.

That's not a thought. It's what you're seeing.

A lot of people are not noticing that the tower is in focus - like a camera. The reason why many aren't familliar with it is because current gen consoles don't really do that. Wii U does. Another proof that Wii U is next gen untill it launches (current gen after launch).

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Do people really expect Wii U's first games to use all the power the console offers? I mean we still have Devs saying that PS3 hasn't been maxed out yet, and it's been out for like 6 years! Give it a rest fellas.

"Wow next gen is here" that is the most ignorant statement people can say. It just shows the graphic whores on this site. And you call yourself gamers?

                                  Gaming Away Life Since 1985

Well, if the launch games of the Wii U look slightly better than the ones on the ps3 5-6years into the generation.... Enough graphic power for me

Since the GamePad eats a lot of ressources from the console,  I wonder if a dev would make a game without a second sreen and use the full console's capabilities to enhance the graphics...

Could it be possible?


And I really think I'm gonna buy one of those Pro Controllers.  It has been confirmed that the GamePad only has 2-3 hours of battery life.  I think I'll mostly play with that controller unless GamePad gameplay is a must.  Anyways, at E3, in most games, the GamePad player only played a support role whilst the guy with the classic contoller had all the fun.

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Chrizum said:

What did you say, Gilgamesh?

Certain aspects look better on each. The PS3 version has more detail in different areas and the Wii version highlights the tower and blurres a lot of other stuff out. 

Superman4 said:
Chrizum said:

What did you say, Gilgamesh?

Certain aspects look better on each. The PS3 version has more detail in different areas and the Wii version highlights the tower and blurres a lot of other stuff out. 

Are you actually calling focus in a game a bad aspect?

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

For a launch game it looks good.


The Wii U's power is being held back somewhat since they are playing ports from last gen consoles (sure feels odd to refer to Sony and MS's consoles as last gen..). Since developers are generally going for a straight port over to the console to avoid the extra work of remaking everything to take advantage of the new hardware, the game obviously is going to look like the last gen console versions.

I am reminded of early Xbox 360 ports like Gun, where it looked very similar to a Gamecube/Xbox game, and people were referring to it as "Xbox 1.5." Fast forward to now, look at games like Gears 3. The difference is night and day. I think we'll be seeing a similar progression in graphics with Wii U once developers get the hang of the hardware, and actually make some ground up Wii U games.

the 360 pic posted looks the best of all three