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c03n3nj0 said:
Could it be that the in the exploding tower picture, the blurriness of the building to the right and the background in the Wii U version is trying to mimic the eye? As in, whatever's not in your focus becomes blurry. The tower is in focus, while the buildings around it are not. It's just a thought.

Anyhow, I feel like a lot of the technical differences between the two versions, unless they REALLY improved Arkham City for Wii U, would be like the differences between the PS2 and GC versions of Resident Evil 4.

That's not a thought. It's what you're seeing.

A lot of people are not noticing that the tower is in focus - like a camera. The reason why many aren't familliar with it is because current gen consoles don't really do that. Wii U does. Another proof that Wii U is next gen untill it launches (current gen after launch).

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