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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Japanese consumers buy PSP?

kuraobi said:

Panasonic used to make the best plasmas, but Pioneer's KURO screens are the best right now (they cost more than 3000$ though). For LCDs, Sharp is the best though the latest bravias are quite good too. But LCD << Plasma.

 I rofl'd at this

 Sharp makes the absolute worst tv's ever. The only challenge they have in this department is Zenith. Other than that, it's not even close.

 As for Plasma > LCD, HA! Blasphemy, I tell you. Just blasphemy. 


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

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kuraobi said:
@Lyngyis : Panasonic, Sharp and Pioneer make the best HDTVs, though the Bravia is not so bad.
Panasonic and Canon make the best Cameras. Sony's cameras suck.
Canon, Panasonic and Sony make the best videocams, you have a point here.

Panasonic doesn't make the best of anything, so I know you are completely inaccurate.

From what I've seen, Sony and Samsung make the best HDTVs. And right now, Samsung is releasing all of the interesting new technologies before anyone else.

Also, Canon and Nikon make the best still cameras, and Sony makes the best motion cameras. Look at the professionals: they primarily use Canon still cameras and Sony motion cameras. No one ever uses a Panasonic because they're interested in both quality and results, neither of which Panasonic provides. 

AFAIK, panasonic doesn't even produce any decent lenses for cameras, so they can't even possibly be considered.  If you don't have high end glass, your camera isn't worth using.  Period.

Lord N said:
kuraobi said:

Panasonic used to make the best plasmas, but Pioneer's KURO screens are the best right now (they cost more than 3000$ though). For LCDs, Sharp is the best though the latest bravias are quite good too. But LCD << Plasma.

I rofl'd at this

Sharp makes the absolute worst tv's ever. The only challenge they have in this department is Zenith. Other than that, it's not even close.

As for Plasma > LCD, HA! Blasphemy, I tell you. Just blasphemy.

I don't see what's so funny about that. There are a few things that a good plasma set does better than LCDs, black level being one of them.

Or check out my new webcomic:

you know japan likes "tiny everything" lmao

Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.

@TheBigFatJ : Panasonic doesn't make lenses, they use Leica lenses, just as Sony uses Carl Zeiss lenses....

Now show me a 150" HDTV from Samsung, since they make stuff before anyone else... Panasonic has one. Or show me an infinite contrast screen like the new KURO prototype from Pioneer... Samsung makes good LCD screens, but they have high failure rates and they sell many low quality AU Optronics screens under the same references as the Samsung screens. Sounds too random for me.

Now for cameras, as I said Canon rules the reflex market, and professionnals only use reflex cameras. But for the average guy, the Panasonic TZ3, the FZ8, the FX100, the FZ18, the FZ50, the FX55 are the best choices with the Canon IXUS cameras.

Anyway, think what you want, I don't want to go more off-topic.

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so basically....there buying it....because it looks cool?...nice japan....real nice



well think i will never have success with Japanese gurls ^^

fkusumot said:
Kingsora_be said:
19% it's a sony, lol.
So you see that the PlayStation brand name is important.

27% said software. You see how much that's helping it sell software. You know, just saying.

Well to be fair, just because they said they bought it for the software doesn't mean they are actually BUYING it.  Since you can pirate the software.

Are we sure the "Slimmer" thing doesn't mean that the 67% or so are buying it as replacements for their old PSPs?

Kasz216 said:

Are we sure the "Slimmer" thing doesn't mean that the 67% or so are buying it as replacements for their old PSPs?

Don't know.  Random survey normally don't ask questions too specifically.  This is a "Please Check All That Applies" type of survey.  Either buying it for replacement or for the first time, the reason those people bought the PSP slim because (partially) of it's smaller size.   

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

rocketpig said:
Lord N said:
kuraobi said:

Panasonic used to make the best plasmas, but Pioneer's KURO screens are the best right now (they cost more than 3000$ though). For LCDs, Sharp is the best though the latest bravias are quite good too. But LCD << Plasma.

I rofl'd at this

Sharp makes the absolute worst tv's ever. The only challenge they have in this department is Zenith. Other than that, it's not even close.

As for Plasma > LCD, HA! Blasphemy, I tell you. Just blasphemy.

I don't see what's so funny about that. There are a few things that a good plasma set does better than LCDs, black level being one of them.


Plasmas are also a hell of a lot better at burnout. 


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3