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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%
theprof00 said:
Once u get the hunter lodge rank 3 the map stops showing up. So i dont think the map is a huge deal for the screen. Plus it can be resized and removed manually.

However, it is much easier having all that stuff on the bottom screen so you can see it all organized.  It's not really that big of a deal, but it's nice to have and really is something where dualscreen really proves helpful.

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Ill agree that it is more convenient to have it on the lower screen, but actually the point of the map going away is a difficulty thing, so im wondering what exactly will be on the bottom screen later, because the map is removed to make it more difficult. At rank 3 or whatever rank it is, u simply do not have access.
so when that happens what will be on the bottom screen?
Also im not sure how much of an issue it is but having the radar on the gamescreen may help in tracking where monsters are.
Some harder levels u really only have like a fraction of a second to see where a monster is pinging.when a monster pings only once every 10 minutes and ur fighting two pthers its kinda helpful to see that ping right next to ur eye.

When the stream start?

leatherhat said:
MrT-Tar said:
leatherhat said:
Capcoms not gonna localize this game. They haven't localized a mh game in years. And it's not like their decision making skills are on the upswing.

Well, I don't think they will solely localise it.  I think Nintendo and Capcom will co-publish/market the game in the West.  Actually, I'm expecting NoE MH3G to get a localisation announced by the end of the year, probably in a Nintendo Direct

Nintendo is not a company I trust when it comes to localizing either

All I can Say Is I'm glad I can speak Japanese, But i dont really like the 3ds & was quite dissapointed by all MH3 versions up till MH portable 3rd, so I'll wait a bit before getting 4. Like 3 though odds are the only good ones will be the later (4th?) releases


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)

2000cc said:
leatherhat said:
MrT-Tar said:
leatherhat said:
Capcoms not gonna localize this game. They haven't localized a mh game in years. And it's not like their decision making skills are on the upswing.

Well, I don't think they will solely localise it.  I think Nintendo and Capcom will co-publish/market the game in the West.  Actually, I'm expecting NoE MH3G to get a localisation announced by the end of the year, probably in a Nintendo Direct

Nintendo is not a company I trust when it comes to localizing either

All I can Say Is I'm glad I can speak Japanese, But i dont really like the 3ds & was quite dissapointed by all MH3 versions up till MH portable 3rd, so I'll wait a bit before getting 4. Like 3 though odds are the only good ones will be the later (4th?) releases

Would still need a Japanese ds since its region locked

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

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MDMAlliance said:

hahaha you seem to be enjoying this.

Yeah, the guy posting vids of the PC mh(and the 3ds still looked technically way better XD) and the cgi psp trailer to compare with the 3ds took the cake.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

leatherhat said:
Cobretti2 said:
leatherhat said:
You guys realize that if there is no vita version westerners won't get to play it right? Or are you just more psyched for the 3ds sales boost than actually playing the game?

just like westerns did not get to play final fantasy on ps1 when it jumped from nintendo platform to playsation?

if people want to play a game bad enough they will get the system it is on. if MH4 isn't enough for them to get a 3ds clearly MH game is jsut a nice to have addition on the ps vita library to them.

It's not about owning the platform. This game will not be licalized and only the vita is nt region locked

ah, well fair point you make if it will not get localised.


The only way it will i if fans in the west start putting pressure on Nintendo early. If they did pay the big $$ to get it exlucisve to 3DS, they should be willing to spend a few more for publishing it in the west themselves.


I think it be good time to spam their facebook page 3DS page and NIntnedo page.



logic56 said:
VicViper said:
logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.

those poor poor MH fans

and for comparision sake


forcing people to buy new(old) hardware for a game they could have got and been no different on a system they already own.....shame on you Capcom shame on you

crying much with the forcing statement?

How you think Nintendo fans felt when stuff liek Final Fantasy jumped ship to sony? Most adapted and baught playstations.

If you are a real fan of the series you will buy it no matter where it lands.



VicViper said:

You know what guys... I'm thinking something here...

There's no chance in hell 3G won't come! I don't know why I'm worried!
This is not the PSP, whose market imploded, this is a 3DS game that will sell if not great, reasonably well.

Heck, games like Tales came... and sold 40k!
Even Hecker, even games like Ace Combat, BlazBlue and Samurai Warriors came over...

To me now it's obvious they're just waiting for a right moment. Maybe this year is too crowded already or they want a better bridge with 4, but, man, when I think about, 99.9% chances it'll come! Game is going to be supported too, DLC pack 1 was announced yesterday!

Now, now... Tales of the abyss sold much more than that. 60k in europe and 100k+ in the Us and in japan. I think its above 300k atm and the target namco set was 250k, so its pretty good.

With that said, i hope you're right. I dont own a Wii and i dont plan on buying one now, but i would love to play MH3G on my 3DS. Heck, it was the game that made me turn and buy a 3DS (alongside RE : revelations and KH3D).