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leatherhat said:
Cobretti2 said:
leatherhat said:
You guys realize that if there is no vita version westerners won't get to play it right? Or are you just more psyched for the 3ds sales boost than actually playing the game?

just like westerns did not get to play final fantasy on ps1 when it jumped from nintendo platform to playsation?

if people want to play a game bad enough they will get the system it is on. if MH4 isn't enough for them to get a 3ds clearly MH game is jsut a nice to have addition on the ps vita library to them.

It's not about owning the platform. This game will not be licalized and only the vita is nt region locked

ah, well fair point you make if it will not get localised.


The only way it will i if fans in the west start putting pressure on Nintendo early. If they did pay the big $$ to get it exlucisve to 3DS, they should be willing to spend a few more for publishing it in the west themselves.


I think it be good time to spam their facebook page 3DS page and NIntnedo page.