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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%

the game looks better than the previous one, more than enough for me, ill buy it anyways...

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NintendoPie said:
theprof00 said:



When I buy Monster Hunter, it will be because it's the monster hunter I want. It will be the monster Hunter that fits the same taste of the gamers who have made the series grow. When MH Tri came out and was on Wii. I didn't say shit. It looked good, and the mulitplayer was kind of a new thing to me. I STILL haven't talked shit about that game even though it STILL hasn't been localized for psp. In fact, I bought a Wii!

So, next time you want to defend a shitty looking game by making those kinds of remarks, first ask yourself two questions.

Do you yourself even know the game (in the biblical sense, not the yeah sure I've seen videos.)
And second, do you know anything about who you're talking to.

Wait. You've played the game, Prof? You know how well it actually looks in real life?

Plus, it's not even out yet. How do you know they won't make it better looking? 


Also at no point did i say it was shit.
i said those textures are disgusting and that i didnt like the feeling the trailers have given me that its scripted.
the game could turn out great and i might have have to buy a 3ds for one (glad i waited a year for the redesign.)

But monhun was never about great textures like i mentioned. It was about simplicity, which is funny bcause mint ndo in general uses lower quality in a way that looks great and thats what mh is about too but the first "exclusive" nintendo game and they cant seem to remember that.

Its also funny that its only on 3ds and not coming to wiiu. Really makes me wonder if this is the only monhun in work.

I didnt mean know the game, i meant "do u know the franchise and what makes it great).
The trailers havent demonstrated that to me yet.
Perhaps its just simply 2 bad trailers?

theprof00 said:
I didnt mean know the game, i meant "do u know the franchise and what makes it great).
The trailers havent demonstrated that to me yet.
Perhaps its just simply 2 bad trailers?

I think the trailer was showing you some new things they've added, and the old stuff that you like is implied to be there.  Who knows until they give us more info.

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VicViper said:

Post the gifs :)

They look good. Just by reducing the image the quality improves a lot!

(of course it's not going to be this small, though)

Yeah the game looks great, youtube vids always make 3ds games look bad. Jap gaf says the trailer on the 3ds looks incredible. (tip embed the video on a preview post and reduce the dimension in the html code, ) But there are some things I hope they improve like the area in the beginning.

And only a 3ds logo at the end? Now I realise where the butthurt is coming from in this thread

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

What I did not like from the trailer of Monster Hunter 4, was that when the Hunter cut the monster's, the blood animation was pretty bad, but hopefully it will be improved for the finished versioned of the game.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Cobretti2 said:
leatherhat said:
You guys realize that if there is no vita version westerners won't get to play it right? Or are you just more psyched for the 3ds sales boost than actually playing the game?

just like westerns did not get to play final fantasy on ps1 when it jumped from nintendo platform to playsation?

if people want to play a game bad enough they will get the system it is on. if MH4 isn't enough for them to get a 3ds clearly MH game is jsut a nice to have addition on the ps vita library to them.

It's not about owning the platform. This game will not be licalized and only the vita is nt region locked

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

Wow! Those MH4 Gifs look great!

I hope this game gets localized, I would probably play it more on my 3DS than the Wii.

Significant_leap said:
it will come to Vita?
i dont think so, Nintendo are not that stupid...
The game looks great, way beyond anything the PSP has seen, and better than most Vita games...

way beyond anything the PSP has seen

are you blind?

and better than most Vita games

your blind