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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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I have to be honest. The game doesn't "look" as good as I had hoped. Everything looks way too bright, but we know that's not what Monster Hunter is about. The game play is where it's at. By the way, was there any talk about online multiplayer? That is the best part of the series as far as I'm concerned.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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I don't think Monster Hunter fans really care about graphics or what system it's on and more about the actual game itself. We can give Capcom some time to fix up whatever they need to as they still have a year until the game's release. I only wish they can finally tell us some informaion on the localization if it's ever going to come.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

logic56 said:

ok,how about this

3DS is to Vita what PSP is to Vita

better comparision, still terrible but better


Nope.  It's funny when people start talking about specs, they start talking all about how "PSV is quadcore processor and graphics while the 3DS is only dualcore processor and singlecore graphics" and "512MB RAM on PSV while the 3DS only has 128MB RAM."  

Yes, these are pretty much the specs on these systems, but they use different technology and implement them differently.  The 3DS clearly outpowers the PSP btw as the PSP has only half the specs the 3DS does with older technology.  

The 3DS uses FCRAM and the PSV uses DRAM.  This makes the difference between the PSV and 3DS specs a little skewed when trying to compare them by the numbers on the specs.  I would say that the 3DS and PSV are closer than the numbers make you believe.  The difference is still relatively large, but not nearly as much as you're making it out to be.

amp316 said:
I have to be honest. The game doesn't "look" as good as I had hoped. Everything looks way too bright, but we know that's not what Monster Hunter is about. The game play is where it's at. By the way, was there any talk about online multiplayer? That is the best part of the series as far as I'm concerned.

Nothing yet. There's more today, maybe they'll clear things up.

All that was said is here:

New monster, new field, new abilities.

logic56 said:
MDMAlliance said:

Where are the shadows?  The monster is also slipping through the environment which is almost completely flat compared to the much more detailed MH4 environment (not talking about the textures).  It also seems like you're able to move more freely within your environment in MH4.

proably because you were looking at a trailer vs gameplay

Monster Hunter 3G for the 3DS had shadows in it, so I don't think your counter argument works here.  Plus, if it was "just a trailer" then why didn't they just use CGI like it seems like you're implying they did?  It would have looked 1,000 times better than the video you showed if they did.

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VicViper said:
amp316 said:
I have to be honest. The game doesn't "look" as good as I had hoped. Everything looks way too bright, but we know that's not what Monster Hunter is about. The game play is where it's at. By the way, was there any talk about online multiplayer? That is the best part of the series as far as I'm concerned.

Nothing yet. There's more today, maybe they'll clear things up.

All that was said is here:

New monster, new field, new abilities.

Yeah, normally I don't buy a game for it's online component  but this particular game would probably be the exception since about 90% of the time I would play it would be online.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

milkyjoe said:
Spend months convincing yourself it will come to Vita, as the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, start pretending like you don't want it anymore. You stay classy, internetz.

But the port begging comments are the funniest.

Let's try not to turn the thread into a graphics war, guys.


Anyway, for those interested, like myself, those are the details for EX Troopers - it's 2012, but no date yet

New E.X. Troopers details

June 30th, 2012 Posted in 3DS, News, Posted by Valay | No Comments »

Capcom brought along new E.X. Trooper details to its Summer Jam event today.

The biggest revelation is that the game will support co-op. For now, it seems as though it’ll support at least three players.

Read on below for a full summary of information presented at Capcom’s E.X. Troopers stage show.

- Dai Sato working on the scenario
- Sato previously made the script for Stand Alone Complex, Eureka Seven, Halo Legends, and Tekken Blood Vengeance.
- Live-play session from director Yasuhiro Anpo at Capcom Summer Jam
- Anpo showed fans around the home base “Academy” on EDN-3rd
- The base has a cafe, a development lab where the Vital Suits and weapons are made, and other facilities
- Eat at the cafe to gain bonuses for next mission
- One of the game’s story missions was shown
- Will have co-op multiplayer
- At least three player co-op is likely
- e-Capcom store exclusive: limited edition figure of heroine TeeKee
- Satelight making a promotional anime
- Animated movie will be included with Sengoku Basara HD Collection

Bold is nice!

theprof00 said:
I wasn't nitpicking Vic. I saw the textures and they looked really really bad. Colors are all neon and out of place. Polygons are absolutely massive.

comparing to psp, there is more detail and things, like spires and cliffs and stuff, but MH is nice in its simplicity. WIth psp they went simple and good looking. This game seems to sacrifice the natural good quality textures for more details.

Talking about gameplay, it looks the same, but I don't like the feeling this game and the previous trailer has given me regarding it. I know nothing about it, but it looks, well, scripted. While I enjoy scripted games, that's not MH. MH isn't about jumping off crumbling ledges and events and stuff like that. It's about hunting a giant monster.

This is MH, even the pr3dHD textures were abysmall pretty much that and the wii version are the less offensive regarding textures. What i would give you is that background seems more open this time making more more lightfull scenarios in comparision with others where the enviroments where so enclosed and dark with the casual light to give a contrast, yet i think they should tone down the redrocks but outside that i dont find anything else extremely wrong from what was already in other entries.

Also MH may not be about jumping but doesnt mean there is no place for it to be. In the other entries pretty much each zone is a giant empty battlezone arena, its still fun but theres little differneces regarding how monster fights in eahc one. Now we have not only more obstacles but fighting in 2 levels of ground and monster take advantage of that too, not only making hunting less schematic but also more exciting and leaving place for more teamplay and probably hunting tactics. i also would think that these different layers and midobstacles are too enhance the 3d effect.

I was just about to post that. I'm interested in E.X. Troopers as well. I know Capcom already done some trademarks in North America and Europe some time ago, so it has a likely chance of being localizied. At first I wasn't very into it, but after seeing more gameplay and the fact you can play as another characters got me excited to see more. Multiplayer is a very nice addition too.

By the way, here's some gifs from the Monster Hunter 4 trailer. Can't directly post them, but they look a lot better on a smaller screen.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3