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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%
logic56 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Vita is more powerful, but so is the PS3 over the 360. 360 games still look pretty sweet, the same with this 3DS game. How bout we give it a year of development time?

PS3 is to 360 what PS2 was to Xbox

3DS is to Vita What Wii is to PS3

watching gameplay of the psp versions makes this even more a complete waste

so how long do the fans have to wait for the actual next gen version MH, I pray is not multiplat or there wont be a point

3DS to Vita is NOT Wii to PS3 as the 3DS is more powerful than the Wii and the Vita is less powerful than the PS3.

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If this game is really open world, this can be a major advancement in the series.

Major, really. I took my time to watch some videos, and look how tiny the areas were before.

(And wtf with the map tooking half your screen)

I wasn't nitpicking Vic. I saw the textures and they looked really really bad. Colors are all neon and out of place. Polygons are absolutely massive.

comparing to psp, there is more detail and things, like spires and cliffs and stuff, but MH is nice in its simplicity. WIth psp they went simple and good looking. This game seems to sacrifice the natural good quality textures for more details.

Talking about gameplay, it looks the same, but I don't like the feeling this game and the previous trailer has given me regarding it. I know nothing about it, but it looks, well, scripted. While I enjoy scripted games, that's not MH. MH isn't about jumping off crumbling ledges and events and stuff like that. It's about hunting a giant monster.

theprof00 said:
I wasn't nitpicking Vic. I saw the textures and they looked really really bad. Colors are all neon and out of place. Polygons are absolutely massive.

comparing to psp, there is more detail and things, like spires and cliffs and stuff, but MH is nice in its simplicity. WIth psp they went simple and good looking. This game seems to sacrifice the natural good quality textures for more details.

Talking about gameplay, it looks the same, but I don't like the feeling this game and the previous trailer has given me regarding it. I know nothing about it, but it looks, well, scripted. While I enjoy scripted games, that's not MH. MH isn't about jumping off crumbling ledges and events and stuff like that. It's about hunting a giant monster.

That video is at least twice bigger than a 3DS XL screen. This is a major "improvement" already in the real graphics of the game. Another year of dev time may improve it too, especially with people complaining. There are also impressions that the demo on the japanese e-shop looks better because, well, it was in the system.

But while I agree the game looks rough in some parts, I don't think it looks bad at all. Especially the second half of the video. For a newcomer like me, it looks exciting - even though I saw some videos of PSP's third now and the game looks way more slugisher than I'd hope it was (especially sword swinging). But all in all, it looks like a major departure if this game is really more open than before. The older maps looks like a compilation of small areas. If this can be like a big populated field, well graphical details can go second plane, imho

VicViper said:
logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.

those poor poor MH fans

and for comparision sake


forcing people to buy new(old) hardware for a game they could have got and been no different on a system they already own.....shame on you Capcom shame on you

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logic56 said:
VicViper said:
logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.

those poor poor MH fans

and for comparision sake


forcing people to buy new(old) hardware for a game they could have got and been no different on a system they already own.....shame on you Capcom shame on you

Where are the shadows?  The monster is also slipping through the environment which is almost completely flat compared to the much more detailed MH4 environment (not talking about the textures).  It also seems like you're able to move more freely within your environment in MH4.

MDMAlliance said:
logic56 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Vita is more powerful, but so is the PS3 over the 360. 360 games still look pretty sweet, the same with this 3DS game. How bout we give it a year of development time?

PS3 is to 360 what PS2 was to Xbox

3DS is to Vita What Wii is to PS3

watching gameplay of the psp versions makes this even more a complete waste

so how long do the fans have to wait for the actual next gen version MH, I pray is not multiplat or there wont be a point

3DS to Vita is NOT Wii to PS3 as the 3DS is more powerful than the Wii and the Vita is less powerful than the PS3

ok,how about this

3DS is to Vita what PSP is to Vita

better comparision, still terrible but better


Spend months convincing yourself it will come to Vita, as the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, start pretending like you don't want it anymore. You stay classy, internetz.


MDMAlliance said:
logic56 said:
VicViper said:
logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.

those poor poor MH fans

and for comparision sake


forcing people to buy new(old) hardware for a game they could have got and been no different on a system they already own.....shame on you Capcom shame on you

Where are the shadows?  The monster is also slipping through the environment which is almost completely flat compared to the much more detailed MH4 environment (not talking about the textures).  It also seems like you're able to move more freely within your environment in MH4.

proably because you were looking at a trailer vs gameplay

the PSP and 3DS trailer

wow looking at that "official"  3DS trailer again, jesus, it looks god awful. What a waste of a franchise if it is in fact exclusive

logic56 said:
VicViper said:
logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.

those poor poor MH fans

and for comparision sake


forcing people to buy new(old) hardware for a game they could have got and been no different on a system they already own.....shame on you Capcom shame on you

Well, are you hurt? What you want... a tap on the shoulder? Keep waiting for a version you'll like - it'll come sooner or later - and don't speak for others, since nobody is forced to buy anything.

Why say bad things about a game... especially now. Let people decide if they want to buy it or not. Maybe graphics aficcionados won't come close to this game, but plenty other people will because they want it.