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MDMAlliance said:
logic56 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Vita is more powerful, but so is the PS3 over the 360. 360 games still look pretty sweet, the same with this 3DS game. How bout we give it a year of development time?

PS3 is to 360 what PS2 was to Xbox

3DS is to Vita What Wii is to PS3

watching gameplay of the psp versions makes this even more a complete waste

so how long do the fans have to wait for the actual next gen version MH, I pray is not multiplat or there wont be a point

3DS to Vita is NOT Wii to PS3 as the 3DS is more powerful than the Wii and the Vita is less powerful than the PS3

ok,how about this

3DS is to Vita what PSP is to Vita

better comparision, still terrible but better