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Forums - Sony Discussion - Pre-Order Gran Turismo 5: Prologue for $39.99 @

In a way it's a rip off, but not any more than $60 is a rip off for some of the 5-10 hour action games out there, or $60 games that are simply bad. It's not a full game, but a GT fan will get a few dozen hours of enjoyment out a typical GT Prologue game, which isn't bad for $40. It also helps ease the wait for the full game. There's a good chance I'll be buying a PS3 in early March for this. Though my wallet may force me to wait a while longer. :(

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$40 is a good price for Prologue but I'm going to wait to see the PSN download price before I buy.

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


Already have it.

LoL people whining about the price.

blaydcor said:
I mean this seriously, paying $40 for probably around roughly 1/4 of a game is stupid and insane. You're basically telling Sony that 1/4 of a $60 is worth almost triple its supposed value, as long as you get it early. Soon we'll be getting more and more incomplete, rushed games, while needing more and more patches because of how buggy they'll be.

You are more negative than I. Just because you can preorder it, and it will be $40, does not mean that it will be rushed to completion. Would you like it to be $60? Would you like to not be able to preorder it? The other, Gran Turismo games were good, so why doubt this one? Could it not be so, that Sony took their time to finish it, rather than rush it, than later, presell them at a discount price? also reduced the price to $39.99 for pre-order today. It's doing pretty decent now (#12). Haven't seen pre-order of PS3 games reaching the position that high on Amazon before.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

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I love me some Gran Turismo, but this IS a bad deal, plain and simple. Fortunately for PD, that's not going to stop people from buying it...

Yes it is slightly underhanded by Sony, but the main point of prologue is to offer an option of buying a piece of the final game early, just as they and polyphony digital have done with the past iterations of GT.

You as the consumer will always have a choice.
Why would anyone ever be slightly angry with more options provided to the consumer.

Hardcore fans will buy this because they cannot wait until the final game.
If you consider yourself a hardcore fan of the GT franchise, but think $40 is too much to spend on prologue, then I have news for you- You're not as big of a fan of GT as you thought you were!

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Well like I said, it being a bad deal isn't going to stop people from buying it. Hell, I've already spent nearly $400 on Gran Turismo.