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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Seriously why did Sony release the PS VITA?


Did Sony make a mistake?

Yes, they shouldn't have released it 38 17.12%
No, lets just wait till E3 83 37.39%
When was the last time th... 73 32.88%
see results 28 12.61%

I don't even... Not sure if serious.

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Nintendo screwed Sony over with the 3DS price cut, if the 3DS was still 250$ the Vita sales would be much higher

And how is it overpriced?? The tech inside is superior to all it's competition YET it should be priced the same/lower?? This makes me sick

Ipod touches cost exactly the same yet somehow that's worth it??

PSV = 250$, overpriced garbage with inferior technology
Ipad = 500$, Totally worth every penny. best device ever created, infact it's so good im gonna upgrade every year when a new model comes out with 1 or 2 new  features

FattyDingDong said:

If they knew they couldn't provide any good games. The thing is over priced, it has no games, and there are no ads on tv. Hell, 99% of my friends have never heard of PS VITA!!   It does not worth 250$  the browser is slow, the video quality is worse than 3ds'.   So why did Sony release the Vita?

To lose money?   They did achieve that. That's what they're best at.


Edit: Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not hating on Sony. I just think that they made a big mistake. They're just digging their own grave imo.

Overpriced? There is a huge difference between overpriced and expensive. The Vita is expensive but in no way overpriced. No games? Uncharted Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush, Resistance Burning Skies, Unit 13, MLB The Show, Wipeout 2048, Escape Plan, and that's just first party. Keep in mind that the system is only a few months old and has a solid number of titles. No ads? Ok I'll give you that one. Ingoring the incorrect grammar, yes the Vita's hardware justifies the price. The browser is fine, huge improvement over the 3DS. Video quality is a lot better than the 3DS so I don't know what you're talking about there.

Sorry but this post reeks of fanboyism, the Vita is doing a great job with it's pricepoint and games. I still have a large backlog for my Vita and there are more games coming out each month. Compare that to the 3DS which had absolutely nothing until Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Can we at least wait until Sony's E3 conference before starting these threads?

You're proof the marketing sucks. A vast majority of reviews state the Vita is better than the 3DS and agree it has a better launch lineup than the 3DS did. With that said, it is selling worse than dog flavored bagels. As you stated that's because no one knows about it. Also because of the 3DS many people are waiting for a price drop. Get it over with and bring it down to $199 at E3 and just like the 3DS sales will boom.

Sony released the PS Vita because just like the PS3 they know a rocky start can pull a 180 and become a huge success.

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They made the same mistake with the ps3, it should have had some popular launch titles.

BasilZero said:
DarkTemplar said:
Can we at least wait until Sony's E3 conference before starting these threads?

Threads like these appear when E3 is near, its only gonna get worse next week or so.

PS3 PSVita has no gaemz

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Seriously why did Nintendo release the 3DS? If they knew they couldn't provide any good games. The thing is still over priced, it has no games, and there are no ads on tv. Hell, 99% of my friends that play videogames have never heard of 3DS!! It does not worth 170$ the browser is slow, the video quality is worse than Vita'. So why did Nintendo release the 3DS?
To lose money? They did achieve that. That's what they're best at.

Edit: Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not hating on Nintendo. I just think that they made a big mistake. They're just digging their own grave imo.

brb posting this and OPs post on various forums.

FattyDingDong said:

If they knew they couldn't provide any good games. The thing is over priced, it has no games, and there are no ads on tv. Hell, 99% of my friends have never heard of PS VITA!!   It does not worth 250$  the browser is slow, the video quality is worse than 3ds'.   So why did Sony release the Vita?

To lose money?   They did achieve that. That's what they're best at.


Edit: Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not hating on Sony. I just think that they made a big mistake. They're just digging their own grave imo.

Ill give you the answer. To growth the brand. Release a Sly Copper 4 and both the PS Vita and the PS3 means that more people recognise the Sly Copper IP.

Release a Uncharted Golden Abyss and some will buy a PS3 and buy Uncharted 2+3. ( Have you seen how much Uncharted 3 was boostet when Golden Abyss release)

So the release the vita to make their brand more popular. Thats one of the reason why Nintendo IPs like Mario became so popular. Because they got also a huge fanbase because of the handheld games.

Got it?