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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

Wait. When are they showing the Platinum games trailer? The said coming up. DOes that mean some random time today?

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Two games on Nintendo's website that were not at the conference: Project P-100 and Game & Wario. Both for WiiU.

TheKoreanGuy said:
Carl2291 said:
It was a good conference. We found out a bunch of stuff that Wii U could do.

Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Paper Mario, NintendoLand all announced.

Remember guys, what we saw isn't even half. Another conference tomorrow and stuff going on right now.

Did they win E3? No. Did they beat Microsoft and Sony? Yes.

They only beat Sony and Microsoft because they had a new console, and that's not saying much since they could've totally stole the show. But they didn't.

That's how I feel, they get points off because of the potential of their presentation.  It was made worse by the fact we saw new hardware (announced a year ago) and didn't see anythign exciting for it.

Yeah, I was hoping for at least one other first-party IP, aside from Pikmin.

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward = best game ever made.

WTF they announce it but didn't show anything.

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VicViper said:

Breathing now... it was not that bad, when you think about it...

2D Mario, Pikmin and Scribblenauts - GOLD
Lego GTA - As a HUGE lego fan, this is probably GOLD too
3DS Games - All amazing, as always.
Nintendoland - meh, probably good, but finishing with it...
Third party stuff - solid I guess...

But fuck, I expected more... but much more!!! Nintendo didn't wowed me AT ALL!
I raise my score to 6 objectvely and a 4 personaly!

You nailed it!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

hatmoza said:

meme of E3

Watch Dogs anounced for 360, PS3, PC and we will see? Wii U? It looks like it would be awesome on Wii U.

It was on par with Sony IMO, but then again Sony disappointed me with their lack of Vita coverage. Hell, the 3DS got more coverage than the Vita so far, and that's just sad.

Overall, the Wii U looks like it'll end up like the Wii, but with a bit better multiplatform support early in its life. I thought it would be my first console since the PS2. And it may still be. But now I'm not so sure...

I guess... we still have another two chances.