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Just because I'm a glutton for punishment.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network

Nintendo - (50)

1- WiiU for 299USD - (10)
2- New Mario Party bundle with WiiU - (10)
3- New Pokermon for 3DS - (10)
4- New Metroid FPS w/ MP for WiiU - (10)
5- Lots of last year PS360 ports comming to WiiU - (10)

Sony - (50)

1- At most 3 games exclusive for PS Move - (10)
2- No talk about PS3D TV bundle or sharpshooter - (10)
3- God of War Acension and Last of Us campain gameplay and cinematics - (10)
4- PS3 franchises (GoW, GT5, Motorstorm) ported to PSV - (10)
5- Killzone sppin-of annoucement - (10)

Microsoft - (50)

1- They will claim they won last year console sales WW and will do it again - (10)
2- New Twisted Pixel, Rare and Lionhead Kinect games - (10)
3- Halo 4 campain gameplay, MP (details, classes, armor upgrades, game modes) - (10)
4- Ex-Gears of War Extintion renaimed and refurbished - (10)
5- Zune market place and Live integration with Windows 8 - (10)


I would have a few wild cards but I would say Bungie Destiny full annoucement as a 360 exclusive.

Ajescent said:
JEMC said:

Microsoft: 50 pts.

5-It will be boring- 5pts

Btw great prediction haha

lol.... I hope theyve learnt this time though. 


Nintendo (50pts)
New Mario Game (10 pts)
Wii U name Change (10 pts)
Pikman 3 gameplay (10 pts)
Final Fantasy returns to its home console (10 pts)
New Zelda game ( 10 pts)

Microsoft (50 pts)
Halo 4 gameplay (15pts)
Final Fantasy Versus 13 unvield officially (5 pts)
Bad acting continues (15 pts)
GTA V shown ( 5 pts)
Black Ops 2 shown (10 pts)

Sony (50 pts)
Killzone 4 (10 pts)
Kingdom Hearts 3 shown (5 pts)
God of War ascension shown (10 pts)
The Last of Us gameplay (15 pts)
PS Vita price drop (10 pts)

Wild card xbox 720 makes an appearance after all.

spurgeonryan said:

Pokemon Wii U game. (10)

World of Warcraft as a downloadBle title day one. (10)

Over 100 apps and 100 games will be available for on the go wii u tablet with in the first month (10)

Wii U'tied Skyward Sword game (10)

5 new Wii select titles by Christmas (10)

Is that right ajecent?

Yes, now you just need to do the same for MS and Sony

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network

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The reason I logged in, YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Please new hardware i'm drained from playing with da lady's. V those controls look easy below but they can get hectic.

easyrider said:

The reason I logged in, YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Please new hardware i'm drained from playing with da lady's. V those controls look easy below but they can get hectic.

Huh? What are you predictions?

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Ajescent said:
easyrider said:

The reason I logged in, YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Please new hardware i'm drained from playing with da lady's. V those controls look easy below but they can get hectic.

Huh? What are you predictions?

Sorry I got excited about E3.

I was thinking...........Darnit

Nintendo 100

1. New mario 3DS - 10pts

2 Mario Wii-U launch title 60pts

3 New donkey Kong  5pts

4 Nintendo announcing a new IP 15pt

5 New bigger hardware for 3DS  announced 10

Sony 50

1 Last of US live demo 1pts

2 KB and/or Jack Trenton announced as unlockables/DLCs for Battle Royale 1pts

3 Battlefield Presentation 1pts

4 Killzone 4 announcement 46pts

5 LBP Karting Demo 1pts

Microsoft 100

1. Xbox 720 announcement 20pts

2. Gears related announcement 40pts

3 Kinect compatability with one big upcoming/unannounced game 10pts

4 Resident Evil 6 Demo 10pts

5 Rare to announce something not Kinect centric 20pt


Hope you don't mind I used a lot of your ideas but changed pts and some announcements.

@easyrider _ In before Ajescent comes to tell you, we have 150 points to use, and you have used 250.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.