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Nintendo - (50)

1- WiiU for 299USD - (10)
2- New Mario Party bundle with WiiU - (10)
3- New Pokermon for 3DS - (10)
4- New Metroid FPS w/ MP for WiiU - (10)
5- Lots of last year PS360 ports comming to WiiU - (10)

Sony - (50)

1- At most 3 games exclusive for PS Move - (10)
2- No talk about PS3D TV bundle or sharpshooter - (10)
3- God of War Acension and Last of Us campain gameplay and cinematics - (10)
4- PS3 franchises (GoW, GT5, Motorstorm) ported to PSV - (10)
5- Killzone sppin-of annoucement - (10)

Microsoft - (50)

1- They will claim they won last year console sales WW and will do it again - (10)
2- New Twisted Pixel, Rare and Lionhead Kinect games - (10)
3- Halo 4 campain gameplay, MP (details, classes, armor upgrades, game modes) - (10)
4- Ex-Gears of War Extintion renaimed and refurbished - (10)
5- Zune market place and Live integration with Windows 8 - (10)


I would have a few wild cards but I would say Bungie Destiny full annoucement as a 360 exclusive.