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Forums - General Discussion - "Newcomer's Introduction Thread"- What brought you here?

I was wondering if there was an intro section or something

Ok well I'm Alex, but you can call me by my username, or Ally....hell if you're nice to me I'll even let you get away with calling me Sally. My main console right now is the X360, but I own every other system too. I also own a clan/community for X360, so if you're looking for some cool people to play with online, let me know.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know all the crazies around here

Around the Network

Signed up back in 2008 and forgot I was a member until only recently ^^;;;

spurgeonryan said:
RustyShakleford said:
Hello I'm new here. I'm play a variety of games, but JRPG"S are my favorite genre. If you look at my profile pic, you might find out what my favorite game is. As for my username, it comes for one of of the better shows from the last decade (imo). I have been gaming since the original GameBoy came out. Nice to meet you guys.

Nice to meet you! What show and what game? River City Ransom?

It is dragon quest 8 and king of the hill.

Hi, been reading this site for quite a while now so thought I had better sign up and as both SONY and MS have now revealed some 8th gen info what a great time to jump in!

Nadwki said:
Hi, been reading this site for quite a while now so thought I had better sign up and as both SONY and MS have now revealed some 8th gen info what a great time to jump in!

Jumping straight into a war zone xD Welcome though.

Around the Network

Yo I'm Red4ADevil

I may not be that well known on this site (since I don't see myself on that wheel) I've been on this site for 5 years; yeah im really late. My name is universal do a simple search and you'll find my history. I joined this site shortly after the fall of Nintenfo Nsider (which was my favorite forums. Im not much of a social person (not anti-social thought) due to my anxiety.

Thats the gist of my intro besides my love for games (Nintendo mainly)

BloodyRain said:
Nadwki said:
Hi, been reading this site for quite a while now so thought I had better sign up and as both SONY and MS have now revealed some 8th gen info what a great time to jump in!

Jumping straight into a war zone xD Welcome though.

Thanks!It’s gonna be fun Lol!  

*Kick* Hi. I'm Egann. Pronounce it exactly like the Ghostbuster.

I've been lurking/ reading at some threads for a while. Thought I'd register to add my thoughts to the fray. I've found that even though I don't have time for that many games anymore (and that my tastes are incurably odd compared to other people I know for the games I do play) I am abominably curious about games as a business.

Hey I'm Kevin, this website looks cool so I decided to join! I'm probably younger than most people on here and haven't been playing games for that long haha. I own a Nintendo 3ds and Wii and also a PS3!

3DS Friend Code: 2320-6500-8732