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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: NSMB2 will outsell the top 10 PSV games shown off at E3 2012 combined


Will this prediction become true?

Yes, definitely. 244 53.39%
Probably. 103 22.54%
Maybe. Maybe not. 42 9.19%
Unlikely. 33 7.22%
Impossible. 35 7.66%
Chark said:
brendude13 said:
Chark said:
NSMB had a saturation rate of 18.37% on the DS. Assuming there will be 25 million 3DS consoles by the end of the year, NSMB2 will sell 4,592,500 copies.

The Vita with an install base of 8 million at years end would require the 10 games to average 460k, requiring a saturation of 5.75% each. The current average software saturation rate of the Vita's current top 10 is 8.7% meaning that the 10 new games combined will sell 6,960,000.

For all of the possible factors that could effect this; such as NSMB2 having a saturation rate of 30%+, several giant titles hitting Vita, or a larger hardware base for Vita, it is really hard to tell. These number are just based on is all of these games came out in august. Lifetimes sales could be quite different, but it depends on the titles. NSMB2 will have legs and probably will 10+mil by the time its done. I'm going to have to go with an unlikely, but it all depends on those titles.

Wow, you really did some research.

Thanks. I try to use the data when I can. If NSMB2 has the saturation rate of Mario 3D land, it will sell 8 million though. It could since there still isnt' that many big 3DS games, but among more software choices a mario game is competiting with a mario game, and therefore saturation has less of a chance to stay high. It will be a close call, but that's mostly because we don't know what those Vita games will be.

The problem is that the sales in 2012 are really completely irrelevant to the topic, as it's discussing lifetimes sales.

Additionally, using the lifetime attach rate for a game to calculate is never really a good idea to get an accurate result. A machine with more sales will always have lower attach rates for its games. Games also have far higher attach rates early on in systems' lives than they do when the generation is finished.

In figuring the 2012 sales of NSMB2, comparing it to NSMB on the DS makes a lot more sense. It's made even more obvious by the fact that NSMB DS released under nearly identical settings to the one NSMB2 is launching under.

- Both launched in the middle of the year (May-June for NSMB, August for 3DS, not a big difference in terms of sales)
-  Both launched on similar installed bases (19 million when NSMB launched in USA, 20 mill when it had launched worldwide, versus 3DS at 17 million plus whatever it sells until august).

These factors slightly favour the DS version, but keep in mind that both the previous major 3DS games (MK7, 3DLand) both saw better openings than the big early DS games (for Mario Kart, it's 3.9 million in December alone for Mario Kart 7, and 2.7 million in December and half of November for Mario Kart DS)

How you count the different favours for each may depend a little, but selling roughly as much as NSMB DS did in its launch year seems quite obvious.

In total, NSMB DS sold 8.2 million in its launch year (2006). That's most likely more or less going to be what NSMB2 sells in 2012.

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Pineapple said:

The problem is that the sales in 2012 are really completely irrelevant to the topic, as it's discussing lifetimes sales.

Additionally, using the lifetime attach rate for a game to calculate is never really a good idea to get an accurate result. A machine with more sales will always have lower attach rates for its games. Games also have far higher attach rates early on in systems' lives than they do when the generation is finished.

In figuring the 2012 sales of NSMB2, comparing it to NSMB on the DS makes a lot more sense. It's made even more obvious by the fact that NSMB DS released under nearly identical settings to the one NSMB2 is launching under.

- Both launched in the middle of the year (May-June for NSMB, August for 3DS, not a big difference in terms of sales)
-  Both launched on similar installed bases (19 million when NSMB launched in USA, 20 mill when it had launched worldwide, versus 3DS at 17 million plus whatever it sells until august).

These factors slightly favour the DS version, but keep in mind that both the previous major 3DS games (MK7, 3DLand) both saw better openings than the big early DS games (for Mario Kart, it's 3.9 million in December alone for Mario Kart 7, and 2.7 million in December and half of November for Mario Kart DS)

How you count the different favours for each may depend a little, but selling roughly as much as NSMB DS did in its launch year seems quite obvious.

In total, NSMB DS sold 8.2 million in its launch year (2006). That's most likely more or less going to be what NSMB2 sells in 2012.

That would support the 8 million figure if NSMB2 has a 30%+ attachment, which is likely since its still an early game, but it won't see that later. Nintendo could if they support it, sell 20+ million after a few years. This is a really hard question to predict without knowing what those Vita titles are.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

superchunk said:
Fusioncode said:

Resident Evil is one of the few franchises able to completely change and innovate.

Anyways. let me rephrase my post.

Games like NSMB2 sell extremely because people like playing the same games over and over again. It will sell 25 million easy and it required almost no thought or effort from Nintendo. It doesn't change or innovate yet people will still buy it in droves. On the other hand, Gravity looks to be fresh innovate probably what sell 2 million in it's lifetime. Just makes me sad is all.

SMB doesn't innovate huh?

So... SMB, SMB3, SM64, NSMB, NSMBWii, and SMG did nothing to innovate the series? Have you ever played Super Mario games?

SMB - single handidly defined a generation and platforming gaming.
SMB3 - completely new overworld and powerup usage. Defined future SMB 2D games.
M64 - single handidly defined 3 dimensional gameplay with a analog control stick.
NSMB - rebirth of the 2D series with many aditional  levels of gameplay and power ups
SMG - defined gravity based platforming 
NSBMWii - four player simultaneous gameplay

... funny part is, I'm only missing three main series mario games in that list too. I can't even think of another IP with similar innovation among such a long list of games in the series. Kinda one of the reasons Mario didn't go the way of Sonic, Crash, Mega Man, Mr Belmont, etc.... its one of the few that actually hasn't gotten stale and boring.

SMB games dominate all other games for the reason that they are insanely fun to anyone of any age and are very innovative.

wow... that is the funniest list of "innovations" I have ever seen in my entire life

and I must admit, I lost my shit at "4 player simultaneous gameplay" thank based god I wasn't drinking water when I saw that

logic56 said:
superchunk said:
Fusioncode said:

Resident Evil is one of the few franchises able to completely change and innovate.

Anyways. let me rephrase my post.

Games like NSMB2 sell extremely because people like playing the same games over and over again. It will sell 25 million easy and it required almost no thought or effort from Nintendo. It doesn't change or innovate yet people will still buy it in droves. On the other hand, Gravity looks to be fresh innovate probably what sell 2 million in it's lifetime. Just makes me sad is all.

SMB doesn't innovate huh?

So... SMB, SMB3, SM64, NSMB, NSMBWii, and SMG did nothing to innovate the series? Have you ever played Super Mario games?

SMB - single handidly defined a generation and platforming gaming.
SMB3 - completely new overworld and powerup usage. Defined future SMB 2D games.
M64 - single handidly defined 3 dimensional gameplay with a analog control stick.
NSMB - rebirth of the 2D series with many aditional  levels of gameplay and power ups
SMG - defined gravity based platforming 
NSBMWii - four player simultaneous gameplay

... funny part is, I'm only missing three main series mario games in that list too. I can't even think of another IP with similar innovation among such a long list of games in the series. Kinda one of the reasons Mario didn't go the way of Sonic, Crash, Mega Man, Mr Belmont, etc.... its one of the few that actually hasn't gotten stale and boring.

SMB games dominate all other games for the reason that they are insanely fun to anyone of any age and are very innovative.

wow... that is the funniest list of "innovations" I have ever seen in my entire life

and I must admit, I lost my shit at "4 player simultaneous gameplay" thank based god I wasn't drinking water when I saw that

Why the laughter? Some are defined as overall innovations to the genre and some, like 4player, are meant for SMB only.

superchunk said:
logic56 said:

wow... that is the funniest list of "innovations" I have ever seen in my entire life

and I must admit, I lost my shit at "4 player simultaneous gameplay" thank based god I wasn't drinking water when I saw that

Why the laughter? Some are defined as overall innovations to the genre and some, like 4player, are meant for SMB only.

debate a Nintendo fan....about innovation, first you have to bring yourself to accept the harsh realization of what the word ACTUALLY means, but then if you did, there would be no need for debate, because you have never made that silly post to begin with

and for what's it's worth I agree with you about the first one, the original SMB did in fact define that generation of platformers

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Stating that every Mario Platformer has innovated a lot is probably overstating it, but claiming that the series never innovates is a far sillier thing to say. It's easy to forget the brilliant things that happened with each Mario platformer, because we have all of that now. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World all mixed up the style of the game, and influenced all platformers to come.

Then, Super Mario 64 did the same to 3D platformers as Super Mario Bros. did to the 2D platformers. Nearly all 3D platformers are made in its image.

Those 4 games are, arguably, 4 of the most important platformers in the history of platformers, because they innovated, and the innovation ended up being successful. The key with those games was that they innovated in an incredibly successful way, so that the innovation ended up being the base for nearly all future games in the genre.

The later Mario games (Sunshine, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros Wii) haven't had the same level of successful innovation. Sunshine and Galaxy definitely tried out some fun stuff, but little of it is going to stick or change the 3D platformer world.

But that's little reason to state that the Super Mario franchise as a whole hasn't innovated things, because it definitely has.

kitler53 said:
milkyjoe said:
I don't think you're being bold enough. Knowing how well Sony games sell on Sony platforms, and how big 2D Mario can be, you could easily throw in a 2x multiplier.

...that implies there will be 20 vita games announced at E3.  so you might as well just pit mario against the entire vita line-up as it will sound more impressive without any extra risk.

I think he meant was that,  NSMB2 will sell twice as the top 10 PSV games announced at E3.

OT: Rol has gone soft, I fully support the multiplier addition. 1.5x a conservative one, 2x a more bolder one. >2x, for trolling purposes.

hey I want this bet,
Reward = sig ownership - for a year

the top 10 vita titles will outsell NSMB2, some ppl claim 2x for BSMB2 haha
Who is game enough to except this bet?

All bow to me the VGChartz current reigning 3DS prediction champion 

 Bet with tbone51: Pokeon X & pokemon Y will not sell more than 8 million in 2013

 jarrod said:The Xbox360 or ps3 will not sell more than 75million units

July 2009 daveJ saidTrue the wii has a large lead now but by 2017 the most likely result will be 1. ps3 2. xbox360 3. wii <-- wii's successor launched in 2011 effectively killing sales of the wii

 2009 daveJ said: The wii will not break the 50% marketshare barrier it will go below the 40% marketshare barrier though in the future. VGChartz members: Impossible, youre an idiot that knows nothing about sales

daveJ said:
hey I want this bet,
Reward = sig ownership - for a year

the top 10 vita titles will outsell NSMB2, some ppl claim 2x for BSMB2 haha
Who is game enough to except this bet?

You're making a  pretty rubbish bet here. Consider that NSMB2 is going to sell for years, so the Vita games will have to sell >35 million, or you can't claim victory until several years in the future. Meanwhile, if the vita games announced at E3 don't start out well, NSMB 2 can be announced the winner by the end of 2012.

I'll take the bet if nobody else does. In the event that you win, though, you'll have to keep it something simple, which for instance means no gifs, as I'm opposed to gifs in signatures.

I find that rather unlikely, though, so the result of the bet will most likely just be me removing your self-loving from your sig and leaving it blank.

(I'll hapilly step aside if someone else is interested in the bet, I have little interest in sig bets in general)

RolStoppable said:

New Super Mario Bros. 2 will outsell the top 10 PSV games shown off at E3 2012 combined. Lifetime.

why not do a "NSMB 2 will outsell the top 10 selling PSV games combined.lifetime." prediction or are you too afraid?