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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale will outsell Smash Bros

crissindahouse said:
if the post count in battle royal threads of the last days is any indicator, it will sell huge numbers.

For me, there's almost nothing else to discuss.  VGChartz has been in a bit of a lull, lately.  This is the only fun gaming topic.

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Imo, it won't pass the original Smash Bros.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

I'm highly anticipating the PSASBR "MAJOR flop" thread.




If they bundled it maybe....

AndrewWK said:
Sal.Paradise said:

But I'd wager that Cloud/Sephiroth alone are +1m sales confirmed. 

Oh, and some Resident Evil characters. Wesker maybe. 


And there won´t be any Capcom Characters

LMFAO! You must be new to video games if you haven't played the most popular/best selling RPG on PS1.

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While I dont think this game will outsell the Smash bro's games, I believe it will hoist the PS3's sales over the holidays over the 360. Sony needs to market the shit out of a game like this. With the Kinect selling more stable than stellar all Microsofts got now is Halo. Sony's got the whole year to keep closing the gap and then the holidays to bring this celebration of nearly 20 years of characters into peoples homes.

crissindahouse said:
if the post count in battle royal threads of the last days is any indicator, it will sell huge numbers.

What about the views on that "Michael: Long Live Play" commercial?


If at least half of those people who are interested buy the game, then it will be a huge success.

DepthAlly said:

I'd say that PASBR will, at best, sell 30% as much as Smash Bros. Brawl did. Maybe not even that. I'm thinking it'll get to 3 mil max.

If the game is bundled then it will do more than that. I'm willing to say anywhere from four to six million. Without bundling the max it would probably do is three. Bundling allows casuals who mostly game to see the games they otherwise would never see, but with the box art showcasing Sony's greatest characters in association its an easy buy during the holidays.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
DepthAlly said:

I'd say that PASBR will, at best, sell 30% as much as Smash Bros. Brawl did. Maybe not even that. I'm thinking it'll get to 3 mil max.

If the game is bundled then it will do more than that. I'm willing to say anywhere from four to six million. Without bundling the max it would probably do is three. Bundling allows casuals who mostly game to see the games they otherwise would never see, but with the box art showcasing Sony's greatest characters in association its an easy buy during the holidays.

Oh yeah for sure. If they do a bundle I could see it passing 3 million. But bundle, aside I'm thinking 3 max, probably.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

ima say 2 million if its lucky.