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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Thread - OP Updated

Acevil said:
shanbcn said:
This game will sell more then 5m for sure. With popular 3rd party characters it will be WW hit including Japan.

Don't think so, but I think it will decently, above 3 million is my perdiction (without bundling), unless it is broken.

Also depend on how Sony market it. Team of 100 worked on this title for 3 years, so expect them to spend well on ads. And it will be biggest PS3 exclusive this year.

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shanbcn said:

After several matches I came away pretty excited about All-Stars. Smash rip-off? Who cares! It's so fun that I'm not even drawing the connection anymore. It's so easy to get in and get wrapped up that I found that a string of fights takes place before you know it. Even with only six characters and four stages I'm sure I could have played all night if permitted. The characters are are an obvious draw, and with their fantastic control you want to keep playing them. The mashed-up stages are also a riot, and are all eye candy to boot. If they get the balance down pat and add the right characters, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale will be a smashing success. I'm sure they can pull it off, as the foundation has already been laid for a great fighting game.


There's no denying where the inspiration for Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale comes from, but I had fun during my time with it. Sony's characters may not fit the colorful, family-friendly mold of Nintendo's creations, but their differences make for some entertaining and varied attacks and play styles. While plenty of roster reveals are inevitable before Battle Royale is released, I can't help but wonder if it'll compare to the variety in Nintendo's fighter. That said, we wouldn't be surprised to see big names like Nathan Drake, Sackboy, Jak, and Ratchet join the fray (Crash Bandicoot is likely excluded thanks to the fact that he isn't Sony-exclusive anymore). It's far from a novel idea, but All-Stars Battle Royale made for a fast-paced and fun four-player experience in my time with it.


After playing the game, speaking to the president of the studio and then playing the game some more, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is no longer a game I'm profoundly skeptical of, but one of my most-anticipated upcoming projects. There's no reason to be coy about its inspiration -- Super Smash Bros. undeniably paved the way for it -- but no reason exists to dismiss it as a clone, either. After all, it's not very often that a clone gives its inspiration a serious run for its money. And from what I've seen and played of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, it seems ready to do just that.

Wow wow back way the fuck up. I know crash had some games on the Xbox  but there is no way in hell he cannot be included! He is a staple of the glorious PS1 era! I would seriously be pissed if they don't put Crash into the game. I won't boycott it or some stupid shit, but that would hit me right in the childhood.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Is it that easy to kill someone by using a special move? I thought this was based on a life meter. I don't know how exciting the gameplay would be if it was just power up and use special move to kill all the time. I can see some fun with it, but it might get boring afterwards. The character list could reach 30 if they dig deep enough in history and invite more 3rd party characters.

What I want to see is more gameplay innovation. Smash Bros was fun because you can change it to whoever knock outs the most in a set time limit or who is the last one standing. So far, it's just seems to be the last one standing. Hopefully E3 will reveal more in terms of gameplay. Also can't wait to see how they will expand the single player experince. Will there also be a story mode?

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

I kinda agree with the one who said that there's no life bar in the game. I wish Superbot will add a mode like that. Normal Fighting game with life bar.

As for the Rosters. I am expecting Cole, Jak, Ratchet, Sackboy and Nathan.

Wish list.
Dart(legend of Dragoon), Leonard (WKC), Ashley( wild Arms 2), Alundra, Tomba, Crash, Kazuma Kiryu, Solid Snake, Cloud and Sepiroth, Leon S Kennedy, One of the Colossi, Minamoto Yoshitsune (Genji), Maximillian (dark cloud),
Jaster( rogue galaxy), Nariko, Lang ( Legaia 2), Lara Croft.

Seems more like a clone of TMNT: Smash Up than Smash Bros, given the use of health bars like TMNT did, though I would have to play it to see which game it feels closer to (and which of the 3 Smash Bros games it feels closest to)

Certainly this is a fighting game that has been awaited since Smash Bros first became successful (since Fighters Megamix didn't get that far)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Is it that easy to kill someone by using a special move? I thought this was based on a life meter. I don't know how exciting the gameplay would be if it was just power up and use special move to kill all the time. I can see some fun with it, but it might get boring afterwards. The character list could reach 30 if they dig deep enough in history and invite more 3rd party characters.

What I want to see is more gameplay innovation. Smash Bros was fun because you can change it to whoever knock outs the most in a set time limit or who is the last one standing. So far, it's just seems to be the last one standing. Hopefully E3 will reveal more in terms of gameplay. Also can't wait to see how they will expand the single player experince. Will there also be a story mode?

The key to notice someone who just wants to talk shit, is to talk shit about game mechanics of a game without knowing the exact mechanics. (not specifically talking about you as you're not much of an offender here, but I thought I'd lump it in with this reply)

It's obvious to me that you need to whittle their health away before the power up attack can kill. Say the level 1 can take away 10% of overall health, you need to get them within 10% before you can kill with the power up. Level 3 probably is 25%. Pretty logical conclusion.

Also, yes, I'm sure there will be all kinds of different changes (including items), and I think they're referring to the story mode when they say, 'you guys will be amazed when you see the single player'.

Acevil said:
Runa216 said:
This thread makes me super sad. PEople are so damn biased against sony. F-shots everywhere. Pathetic.

Lets put in ways you would understand, Imagine every JRPG was like Final Fantasy 13 (Not exactly, but like it), wouldn't that make you bored of playing the same game over and over again? If not more power to you I guess. 

Except Super Smash Bros Brawl is the only major Smash-esque game released for a decade?

And for people that don't own a Wii they have had exactly zero notable Smash-esque games since Melee (An amazing game but one on a console that only a minority of gamers owned that gen.) 

(Yeh yeh, Jump Ultimate Stars, a game you have to import from Japan and learn a new language for.) 

Or...maybe you were referring to something else? My bad if so. 

Well I think they should put a " This game was inspired by the Smash Bros series" reference in the game. I think most of yall here would agree.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

VicViper said:
I said it before but no one cared :(

What you guys think of the "no-death" point system? I'm wait and see, but so far it sounds not so good!

From what I saw, a spiral of light appears on you when you get hit from a super, so it's kind of like SSB when you get knocked off the stage. Eh, might need to play an actual match to understand whether the gaming mechanics all fit well or not.

Sal.Paradise said:
Acevil said:
Runa216 said:
This thread makes me super sad. PEople are so damn biased against sony. F-shots everywhere. Pathetic.

Lets put in ways you would understand, Imagine every JRPG was like Final Fantasy 13 (Not exactly, but like it), wouldn't that make you bored of playing the same game over and over again? If not more power to you I guess. 

Except Super Smash Bros Brawl is the only major Smash-esque game released for a decade?

And for people that don't own a Wii they have had exactly zero notable Smash-esque games since Melee (An amazing game but one on a console that only a minority of gamers owned that gen.) 

(Yeh yeh, Jump Ultimate Stars, a game you have to import from Japan and learn a new language for.) 

Or...maybe you were referring to something else? My bad if so. 

If people want to play a smash-esque game, they'll go out, buy a Wii, buy Brawl and have a great time. 

This game will go some way to helping remedy the problem, but no doubt anyone who wanted a game like it will already have it. The fact Brawl has sold well over 10mil is just really emphasising that.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.