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Acevil said:
Runa216 said:
This thread makes me super sad. PEople are so damn biased against sony. F-shots everywhere. Pathetic.

Lets put in ways you would understand, Imagine every JRPG was like Final Fantasy 13 (Not exactly, but like it), wouldn't that make you bored of playing the same game over and over again? If not more power to you I guess. 

Except Super Smash Bros Brawl is the only major Smash-esque game released for a decade?

And for people that don't own a Wii they have had exactly zero notable Smash-esque games since Melee (An amazing game but one on a console that only a minority of gamers owned that gen.) 

(Yeh yeh, Jump Ultimate Stars, a game you have to import from Japan and learn a new language for.) 

Or...maybe you were referring to something else? My bad if so.