AndrewWK said:
I have just killed this Huge Mechon on German it´s called fortress mechon. I don´t know if you know what I´am talking about it´s this huge one that patrols at the 5. Gate it took some effort but I did it with Shulk Reyne and Sharla and my was lvl. 51 and this beast was lvl 52.
Well there are a lot of big ones, but if you mean the one that is at the most-west corner (the REALLY big one, with enemy troops in front of him), congratz. he was quite hard to beat in my opinion, i needed several tries. But the effort is worth it, since the sidestuff there really gives some good extra cash and exp!
.. Fun thing is that you aren't even halfway through the game yet. keep us updated on your progress, i want to discuss this game more than ever before!
(PS: a german(/speaking) fella? hell yes! )
I intend to buy the last story next week. I wonder though, is it worth to get the limited edition? :-o
(Yes, i am off topic once again, but i think its pretty likely to get an answer in here. :P)