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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

Our 3 year old was previously hooked on Curse of the were rabbit. The other Wallace and Grommit adventures didn't get him off that. (liked them, except chicken run, but rather watched the bunnies again)

Then I showed him Castle in the sky. He was into that too yet a bit scared of the shooting parts and confused about who the good guys and the bad guys were.

Now he is thoroughly addicted to Ponyo. That was an instant hit. As soon as the credits roll he asks to watch it again. So I've basically been watching that every day for almost a week now. At least he has great taste. Awesome movie that doesn't get boring with repeat viewings. There is such an amazing attention to detail in all the animations.

Wreck-it Ralph sounds interesting. The initial preview left me cold though, the characters didn't look very much like their game counterparts.

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spurgeonryan said:
I am not interested in Wreck it ralph at all. I am sure when I see it at the dollar cinema I will like it, but I am not just going to go out and spend full price on it. At least I will watch it though. I cannot stand Ray Romano, not even really on Everybody wants to beat Raymond, so I will not see Ice Age 5 at all.

Today I tried Watching Island of Dr. Monroe. I can never spell it right. Cheesy masks and plot! Could not finish it. Wiill try later tonight. Why is Brando super white? Is he supposed to be an Albino?

Will talk more on Val Kilmer's career later.

Wreck-It-Ralph is better than the entire Ice Age franchise. Times four. Though that's not saying much.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

My new avatar sums it up nicely.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

Recently saw the first bond movie Dr. No. I am going to catch up on the ones i missed over time. Quite laid back and cool compared to lets blow every thing up direction of the new movies.

F0X said:
My new avatar sums it up nicely.

I am happy to see that you have enjoyed wreck it Ralph. I am really excited about it especiaclly because I allways loved those CGI movies. Jeremy said there are not as many videogame references as we might have expected. Is this true?

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Managed to watch the prequel to The Thing last night. Wasnt bad. They did a lot of work on the Norwegian base to make it just like John Carpenters The Thing. From an axe in a door to the twisted body that McCready and co found. However quite a few scenes were copied. Overall 7 out of 10.

Ohh yeah btw.
I have watched a movie today called "Miracle" it is an Ice Hockey Movie. It is from the same director who did "Warrior" it is not as phantastic as "Warrior" but worth a watch.

AndrewWK said:
F0X said:
My new avatar sums it up nicely.

I am happy to see that you have enjoyed wreck it Ralph. I am really excited about it especiaclly because I allways loved those CGI movies. Jeremy said there are not as many videogame references as we might have expected. Is this true?

The lack of variety of game types Ralph visted is a common complaint, though justifiable for 108 minute film. There were still more than enough references to keep me laughing until the plot became really awesome and heartfelt, though I was surprised at the fact that Mario isn't really in the film (though he is mentioned). Licensing fees can be quite expensive though, and I'm sure that Sonic the Hedgehog is a good enough replacement (lol).

Come in with reasonable expentations and you shouldn't be disappointed at all.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

Damn it I have to wait until December to see Wreck-It Ralph Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

SnakeDrake said:
Damn it I have to wait until December to see Wreck-It Ralph Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Me to -.-