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Saw THE BATMAN (1989) yesterday...still one of the best comic book movies.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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I love both Ledger & Jack as The Joker.

They both did a fantastic job of portraying the characters...I personally don't even hold one over the other.

Actually Mark Hamill (LUKE SKYWALKER from CINEMAS DEFINITIVE SERIES.. STAR WARS) voiced Joker in Batman : Mask Of  Phantasm which was also an excellent movie...that joker was also very well done. 

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Yeah those two jokers were portrayed differently.

I think the next Joker will have a very tough job though...I mean it's potentially gonna be the most high profile future role in Hollywood since WB are planning a batman reboot for as early as 2015 if rumours are true. It's highly likely Riddler or Penguin will be the villain for the first film..Joker for the 2nd movie.

I hope we get Mr Freeze again.

I sae Batman & Robin's a awful film...but beneath all the crap there was a lot of potential with Freeze & Ivy.

Edit: Awesome trailer!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

BTw The Amazing Spidey reviews so far are positive.

There are some negative ones like for every movie.

Overall the consensus seems to be it's a great different take on Spidey & that Tobey/Stone chemistry is awesome.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Yeah London Premiere happened yesterday so Brit Critics have given reviews


Guardian 4/5
The Telegraph 4/5
Totalfilm 4/5
Empire 3/5


Evening Standard - 2/5 (LOLOL @ comments section for the review)

Some of those ones are on Rottentomatoes already (and the rest should go on soon enough)...and Guardian/Telegraph giving it good scores is a great sign.

Along with that many tweets from people who saw it at the premiere are gushing about it...some are negative however.

Think Rottentomatoes rating will be between 75-85%...which is great. Not amazing but sets it up for an awesome sequel...especially because of what is revealed in the mid end credits scene tehehe

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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pezus said:
Wait did you see it already?

Pezus I am nowhere near infulential, pushy or famous enough to get tickets to the premiere in London. I will be one day but that time is yet to come. By Star Wars Episode VII's lavish premiere I will be able to get tickets. 

I'm going to India to meet family etc next week & it comes there on June 29th so I'll see it a few days before anyone else anyway. Cousins have booked Imax 3D tickets for us already.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I thought I had recorded Sherlock holmes 2, but it turned out to be episode 3 of season 2 of Sherlock. Weird since they never broadcasted any other episodes.
It started of interesting but it became pretty unbelievable towards the end. It all hinges on everyone else not being able to think for themselves. I found myself fast forwarding the last bit.

I'll give the first season a try on Netflix, the whole Moriarty thing didn't work for me but modern Sherlock and Watson seemed interesting enough. Patrick Jane vs Red John is a much better modern take on Holmes vs Moriarty.

Many of these classic detective stories seem to hinge on the fact that everyone else is too dumb to make a connection.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I watched the remake of Dawn of the Dead the other day. First time Ive seen it in 8 years. Not bad but it makes me want to get the original on dvd. Anyone want to post me a copy?