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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
spurgeonryan said:
Chris Hu said:

Good choice Promethus looks a whole lot better then Chernobyl Diaries.  Saw the first trailer for Django Unchained yesterday looks pretty decent.

I would love to see Prometheus, but will have to wait till the week days to watch it! Today I am going to try for Huntsman, but if it gets too late I will settle with MIB 3. Last night I watched The Chronicles of Riddick. After taking forever to actually get going I had a good time watching him in the dungeon, dodging the sun flares, and becoming what he was at the end. Anyone else see it?

No, I haven't even heard of it. How did it do in the Box Office? Was this it's oppening Weekend?

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I watched a Prometheus girl last night and I have to say Xbox smart glass is ahead of its time

BASEketball is the greatest film of all time. Comedy genius. I wish it was a real sport.

spurgeonryan said:
Today I picked up some old Lost in Space episodes, The War Wagon with John Wayne, Dinosaurs: Before DNA- Real Dinosaurs Terrorize the Earth, and the original Planet of the Apes for my kids to watch.

Oh! I saw the remake of Planet of the Apes! It was pretty good. Did you see it?

spurgeonryan said:
NintendoPie said:
spurgeonryan said:
Today I picked up some old Lost in Space episodes, The War Wagon with John Wayne, Dinosaurs: Before DNA- Real Dinosaurs Terrorize the Earth, and the original Planet of the Apes for my kids to watch.

Oh! I saw the remake of Planet of the Apes! It was pretty good. Did you see it?

Are you talking about the Mark Wahlberg one where there is a giant battle at the end on a beach near the Statue of liberty, or are you talking about the one that came out last year with the bad guy from Spiderman? I have seen both.

The one that came out last year...

The MW one was not that good........

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NintendoPie said:
spurgeonryan said:
NintendoPie said:
spurgeonryan said:
Today I picked up some old Lost in Space episodes, The War Wagon with John Wayne, Dinosaurs: Before DNA- Real Dinosaurs Terrorize the Earth, and the original Planet of the Apes for my kids to watch.

Oh! I saw the remake of Planet of the Apes! It was pretty good. Did you see it?

Are you talking about the Mark Wahlberg one where there is a giant battle at the end on a beach near the Statue of liberty, or are you talking about the one that came out last year with the bad guy from Spiderman? I have seen both.

The one that came out last year...

The MW one was not that good........

The MW one was awful in my opinion and the ending was terrible compared to the original. I would reccommend you watch the original if you get the chance.

I've yet to see Rise of the planet of the apes. May wait for it to be shown on TV as I don't have high hopes for it.

RedInker said:

The MW one was awful in my opinion and the ending was terrible compared to the original. I would reccommend you watch the original if you get the chance.

I've yet to see Rise of the planet of the apes. May wait for it to be shown on TV as I don't have high hopes for it.

It was really good! Especially the movement of the apes. Acting was also pretty nice.

RedInker said:
NintendoPie said:
spurgeonryan said:
NintendoPie said:
spurgeonryan said:
Today I picked up some old Lost in Space episodes, The War Wagon with John Wayne, Dinosaurs: Before DNA- Real Dinosaurs Terrorize the Earth, and the original Planet of the Apes for my kids to watch.

Oh! I saw the remake of Planet of the Apes! It was pretty good. Did you see it?

Are you talking about the Mark Wahlberg one where there is a giant battle at the end on a beach near the Statue of liberty, or are you talking about the one that came out last year with the bad guy from Spiderman? I have seen both.

The one that came out last year...

The MW one was not that good........

The MW one was awful in my opinion and the ending was terrible compared to the original. I would reccommend you watch the original if you get the chance.

I've yet to see Rise of the planet of the apes. May wait for it to be shown on TV as I don't have high hopes for it.

It is a great movie

I finally took some time to watch Hugo on blu-ray and tbh I came away a little disappointed. The model work and production values were certainly great. But the heavy orange and blue filter did it's best to ruin most of the look. It killed the depth in many scenes, made it look like a computer game in long shots and sometimes it looked like the characters weren't part of the scene at all. Maybe it looks better in 3D that way?
The story dragged along too slowly. I would rather have seen some more of Méliès' early and real later life instead of Borat and the oddball people in the station. They only seemed to be there to make the movie longer and add some fancy 3D effects which didn't translate well to 2D.

Still it got me interested in Georges Méliès, reading about his life was more interesting then the movie.
Hugo doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, an odd marriage of Syberia (video game), Cinema Paradiso and some Home alone humor.

Finally watched Man In Black 2 it was watchable but nothing special. Slightly below average I give it a 6/10 not a movie I plan to re watch anytime soon.