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I finally took some time to watch Hugo on blu-ray and tbh I came away a little disappointed. The model work and production values were certainly great. But the heavy orange and blue filter did it's best to ruin most of the look. It killed the depth in many scenes, made it look like a computer game in long shots and sometimes it looked like the characters weren't part of the scene at all. Maybe it looks better in 3D that way?
The story dragged along too slowly. I would rather have seen some more of Méliès' early and real later life instead of Borat and the oddball people in the station. They only seemed to be there to make the movie longer and add some fancy 3D effects which didn't translate well to 2D.

Still it got me interested in Georges Méliès, reading about his life was more interesting then the movie.
Hugo doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, an odd marriage of Syberia (video game), Cinema Paradiso and some Home alone humor.