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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

I saw a bit of Oak island last night, still trying to get a pipe out of 10x pit. Maybe they'll solve a decades old accident/murder. Why assume the body was a slave left behind, could have been a worker in the 70s ;)
What's up with nuclear magnetic resonance satellite imaging, does that really work that well? Revealing tunnels and small ore deposits from space? The accuracy seems highly exaggerated in the show, although they themselves don't put much faith in it.

Watched the Book of life 7/10

Great setting, the day of the dead. Unfortunately the story starts slow and it couldn't hold my attention in the beginning. It picks up a bit later, but I couldn't help but feeling a bit disappointed the story wasn't more like Grim Fandango. I would have given it a 6 if it wasn't for the setting. The lore and artwork are certainly worth a look. Just one minor nitpick, they try to make it look hand made with wooden puppets, no straight lines, no repetition etc, yet after Box of trolls it only highlights how far behind cgi still is to stop motion.

Next year Kubo and the two strings

Hmm didn't I just watch a boy with a guitar saving the town

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^ Hehe yeah they just seem to stand around and talk about it all day. Look a little bit here, drill a test hole there. Can't send divers back down, too dangerous. ROV too expensive, can't see anything. All that tech we have nowadays and we're still struggling to get a few hundred feet below the ground.

My fav christmass movie is both somewhat trashy for today's standards and bit less than, well, christmassy; the name is Heavy Metal (Metal Hurlant):


What makes it so special to me is the way I found it; I remember wanting to see this one sooo much as a kid. The scene is early 80s Yugoslavia, communism and stuff, one or maybe two TV channels operating for 7-8 hours total daily, on average one movie per week (Sunday, and after that - Smurfs <3).

My life back then was basically waiting for Sundays. Now, there was a SF/comics TV show with intro made of scenes from Heavy Metal; Of course, I was clueless about the movie name, or even about the fact it's a movie - in my child imagination, it was some kind of neverending cartoon series that I would be allowed to watch every day, not just on Sundays

    CU......or CF ?

You are welcome!

If I remember correctly, we started having Sunday morning cartoons sometime around 1990.

How far back? It's hard to remember details...maybe 1986, a year or two idea, in such distance dreams are intertwined with misty pieces of memories :)

    CU......or CF ?

I just watched the absolute worst blu-ray release ever. That is, in terms of production values. It looks poor for a bad low quality dvd and only features one 640kbps DD track, no subtitles, no extras, no menu. Even the FBI warning is not the real one, at some point I thought I had bought a bootleg video.

Luckily The man from earth is nothing more than a conversation between people, pretty much all in the same location. The story is actually quite good and thought provoking 8/10. Yet making a movie out of it was pointless 2/10.

I've been catching up on Fargo season 2, very good so far!
Minority report wasn't as bad as I expected, decent season.
The black list, damn that cliffhanger
How to get away with murder, hmm already forgotten, not that good.

And I'm looking forward to the new season of American Crime.

For your poll, Elf!

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spurgeonryan said:
WhatWhat was the horrible BluRay? I thought you were talking about the actual movie Minority Report. Didn't know there was a tv series. Finally went to the theaters for the first time in over a month! Maze Runner 2 was actually a lot of fun. Too bad it came down to zombie like creatures again. Having never read the books I had no idea. Can't wait for the third one.

That bad blu-ray production was The man from earth.
Incidentally The last man on earth is still on. Not sure if it's comedy or drama, it has some dark humor anyway.

Fargo 2 was excellent 8.5/10, highly recommeded. Now how do I get my hands on season 1 which I missed. Maybe they'll repeat it over Christmas.

Gold rush is pretty entertaining so far.
Bering sea gold under the ice is back, always fun to watch multiple train wrecks.

Minions is under the tree for the kids (and me) hopefully it's fun. Our youngest will like it anyway. He just watched Despicable me 2 again and thinks the minions are hilarious. Every time we put it on he first has to watch the menu screen loop around a few times. And just thinking about it has the menu music stuck in my head again doh!

I watched the maze runner on Netflix. It was decent, although it left a bit too many questions unanswered. Now I see there is a whole series planned it makes sense.

der rauber aka the robber (german/austrian)

really good based on a real story i dont get the hate


experimenter (2015)

also a real story feels more like a long tv episode of some sort than a full movie but still good


and watched a bunch of other worthless BS

tonight im going to the movies with my kid its his first time he doesnt know about star wars i guess he will be blown away by spaceships and lightsabers.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

star wars the force awakens

predictable, bad jokes, bad villain, bad ending the opening shot sucked and even the action isnt good becuase of transformers syndrom.. there wasnt one thing that was exciting or mindblowing


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

I bought Minions for the kids for christmas. 6/10
Perhaps that's still being generous. The youngest one (4), huge despicable me fan kept asking when the movie was going to start, while we were watching. "I wanted the other one" Not a success.

Is the good dinosaur any good?

I watched Iron man 3 today 6/10
Yeah better hit the reset button at the end, those suits are pretty worthless junk. I did like the Mandarin character, Stark and Killian were pretty boring, but blowing up the house looked pretty spectacular.

I also watched Battleship 6/10
What a load of enjoyable nonsense. Bunch of kids defeating aliens in a steam boat.

We started watching Fargo season 1. Just the first episode so far, it's not kid friendly...
I tried the Librarians, that can go on the bottom of the pile.
Gonna try The expanse on sci-fi tomorrow, looks promising.

Oh and I saw the middle episode of Childhood's end. Good book, the tv show not that good. 5/10
Didn't feel like finding the first or last episode.