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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
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Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

The impossible 5/10
I guess I can't criticize the story as it was based on a real story, the choice of story is crap though, and the hollywoodification of it got pretty terrible towards the end. The secondary characters saved the movie.

The Road 7.5/10
Tlou the movie. Pretty good.

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Inside Out 8/10 Fun movie, great humor, already watched it 3 times. The kids love it.

Andromeda strain 8/10 Still great, I love the whole methodical approach to the movie. It has some crazy electronic music too I forgot about.

^ Neither, Arthur Hill, James Olson and David Wayne. I watched the 1971 original. They're not in the tv series either according to imdb.

Big Hero 6 7/10 Solid movie, looks great, it couldn't keep the kids' attention though. The story felt more like a tv episode with a movie budget.

Mr Robot season 1. 9/10 I've got the blu-ray release on my watch list, definitely want to rewatch the first season. Lots of questions left, plus it's beautifully shot as well.

Paranorman 8/10

Great movie, the confrontation at the end was awesome. I made the wrong choice between getting Frankenweenie and this last year. Paranorman is much better. Big hero 6's cgi animation is great too yet stop motion still has that extra bit of realism, and the mix of the two is perfect.
Kids' engagement was 9/10 with this movie. It did get too scary for the 4 year old though, he bowed out just before the confrontation. Hopefully no bad dreams tonight.

I love the artwork, and the making of was fun to watch as always. The level of work is amazing. Every face, 24 per second, was color 3D printed, cleaned up, details added and photographed in position. It's worth it, cgi still can't get the lighting right. But you wonder how long this art form will still be viable. Maybe forever, we still have musicians after all. Maybe the difference is that CGI is too perfect, and the little glitches in stop motion is what makes it so charming.

Big hero 6 is from Disney animation studios. The villain and robot were great, just not as interesting as the iron giant. Box trolls is next on the menu, maybe tomorrow. I also bought the book of life which looks very interesting.

The Martian was already on my pre-order list. No date yet. Mr Robot is set for Januari 12th. Why do these blu-ray conversions take so long.

The amazing race went to my home country again, to Rotterdam this time. Always fun with Americans :p One team thought it was in Germany, another took the train to Amsterdam thinking it was the same city, the 3rd had no clue where they were. Best part of the show is watching them trying to pronounce foreign names lol. That challenge in France, nobody knew how to pronounce Liberté, égalité, fraternité.

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I watched A clockwork orange again 8/10
It's still great, I had forgotten most of it. First time I saw it was 22 years ago on a tiny tv. This time in full size HD. The outlandish 70's decors really stand out, great sets. The inventive language was fun to hear again as well. The acting did not age so well though. Shock factor was also gone, it's all very mild by today's standards. And what did they use for blood, looks extremely fake.

Ex Machina 7/10
Good sci-fi movie. Great story, yet with the familiar cliches. And come on, the first AI robot is not going to fit in a model size 0 body. It's going to be a plus size 24 to put all that machinery in.

The Visit: The new M Shyamalan movie. Saw it during halloween week. This was quite entertaining. Apparently the director shot 3 versions of the movie. One a comedy, another horror-ish and 3rd a mix of both. 

Flash Season 1: Just loved it. Awesome and likable characters. 

Currently watching the Arrow season 1. It is not bad but everything is dark and serious. Bit of like Batman lite but not bad though. 

spurgeonryan said:

Are you being sarcastic about The Visit?  I was interested but word of mouth in my area has been average. Heard it was actually about Sundowning which is a real thing.

Yea Sundowning was part of it. Just sort of enjoyed it. Guess i had quite low expectations from the director after some of his work in recent years and was pleasantly surprised. He didn't go too overboard with his twist ending. One of my friend was like they should have gone further with the twist but sometimes restraint is important not too mess a semi decent thing. 

From Imdb trivia. "The film was previously known as Sundowning." 

According to statements made on Twitter, M. Night Shyamalan prepared three different cuts of the film. One that was "pure comedy", another that was "pure horror", and a final one that "fell somewhere in between."

Had me laughing at certain parts. 

Enter the void 7/10
8/10 for visual style. Very unique movie and extremely dark. It must have one of the longest continuous shots at the beginning, all in first person. The movie slows down a lot after that though, a bit too much. If you treat you audience as mature with the content, you should also apply that to the pacing. Great way to tell a story, yet lingers a bit too long on the trippy scenes.

I watched Solaris again. Funny coincidence it's also about consciousness and resurrection in a way. The pacing is quite similar too (very slow, same long pauses). Couldn't be any more different otherwise though. This time I watched it on blu-ray instead of you tube. I love all the details of the space station. Hollywood and Russian imaginary space stations have their own unique style.

Predestination 8/10
I didn't expect this to be that good. It was a pleasant surprise, great time travel story, well executed. Best to know nothing of it beforehand, just watch it.

Finally made time to sit down and watch the Boxtrolls 8/10
Amazing stop motion animation, Laika has surpassed Pixar in creativity for me. Now they just need to work on more original stories. However despite it being predictable it's still awesome.

The extras were great as well. The mecha drill consists of 600 moving parts, with an iPad mini at the center to simulate the fire behind a bit of distorting glass. It needed a huge hydraulic arm to keep the whole thing up. Everything worked on it, great bit of engineering.

Plus it has the coolest end credits ever :)