Enter the void 7/10
8/10 for visual style. Very unique movie and extremely dark. It must have one of the longest continuous shots at the beginning, all in first person. The movie slows down a lot after that though, a bit too much. If you treat you audience as mature with the content, you should also apply that to the pacing. Great way to tell a story, yet lingers a bit too long on the trippy scenes.
I watched Solaris again. Funny coincidence it's also about consciousness and resurrection in a way. The pacing is quite similar too (very slow, same long pauses). Couldn't be any more different otherwise though. This time I watched it on blu-ray instead of you tube. I love all the details of the space station. Hollywood and Russian imaginary space stations have their own unique style.
Predestination 8/10
I didn't expect this to be that good. It was a pleasant surprise, great time travel story, well executed. Best to know nothing of it beforehand, just watch it.