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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
kljesta64 said:
SnakeDrake said:
kljesta64 said:
SnakeDrake said:
kljesta64 said:
after grown ups 1 it never crossed my mind to see the sequel

Noroi (japanese horror)


Election 2 (japanese yakuza)


anyone saw Fearless with Jeff Bridges is it any good ?

No, but i saw the Jet Li movie and it was a great action martial arts movie.

yes its a good movie i liked the sword fight the most..have you watched some old school Jet Li movies like  the Tai Chi Master aka Twin Warriors or Once upon a time in China ? 

By old school if you mean before he discovered hollywood then yeah i've watched i think most of his old movies. That guy is really badass. 

OK then i wanted to recommend some of his earlier movies but if you havent watched The Evil Cult look it up its really good.

last night i watched kung fu hustle its hilarious! Stephen Chow should make a dragonball movie imo that guy is a genius.

lol is Evil Cult a comedy i always looked at Let Li as the serious type opposite to Jakie Chan. Anyways Kung Fu Hustle is a classic along with Shaolin Soccer :*D

Have you seen CJ7 its a chinese version of E.T he played a reall good father also his son was actually played by a girl. 


Also watched the conjuring with my friend for Halloween great western horror movie made by the same guy who made Insidious. 


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

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Wanted to see Riddick, but imdb says too much in the Rated R department.
So Planes it is.....

RIPD was not as bad as most said. I would not say it was the best movie of the year, but after Grown Ups2, I think I will love everything this year.

Ender's Game? What do you all think? I think dollar show for me. Critics are not unanimous.

I thought Ender's game was a new sci-fi tv series based on Starship troopers, kinda shocked to see it was a movie when I didn't ff the commercial one time. Can't say I'm very interested. Maybe rental.


evil cult is more fantasy and then comedy and action..its simply crazy. cj7 is on my watch list but im not a fan of little CG monsters so who knows when im going to watch it lol I liked shaolin soccer even more and theres also the god of cookery which is also awesome.



boring and predictable


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

SvennoJ said:
I thought Ender's game was a new sci-fi tv series based on Starship troopers, kinda shocked to see it was a movie when I didn't ff the commercial one time. Can't say I'm very interested. Maybe rental.

I just came back from watching Ender's Game, and I'm not sure if I reccomend it. It's not as good as the novel it's based off of (the novel is great, destined to be considered "classic" sci-fi), but it doesn't completely screw it up either. The first half of the movie is weak and it rushed through the plot a bit too much for my liking. But, the second half, especially the last fifteen minutes or so, is well-executed and thought-provoking.

Regardless, I found it to be far better than Starship Troopers (and different, since the similarites are ultimatlely superficial). I really don't like Starship Troopers.

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I did a FRIENDS  marathon and finished season 1-10 (every episode) in about three or so weeks. Anyone else still watch that show?

Ender's Game is *incredibly* rushed. My dad was keen on seeing it for whatever reason, so I went with him when i normally wouldn't have bothered (good book, but i was unsure about how well it would translate to the big screen.) It turns out the things i was afraid of, like portrayals of space warfare, were awesome, but the movie was very rushed as they didn't really try to eliminate too many plot-points (outside of the Locke/Demosthenes subplot, which was one point where Card really missed out on what the future would be like even 20 years later when he first wrote the book), and they rather should have. There was no reason for Valentine and Peter to be in the film, for instance.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

dsage01 said:

I did a FRIENDS  marathon and finished season 1-10 (every episode) in about three or so weeks. Anyone else still watch that show?

It was funny at the time, but aged rather quickly. I think people in America have become more like Seifeld characters than the people of friends. Kind of like Jay Leno and his "How Dumb are you sketches". America is not really that dumb. We know where the Statue of Liberty is and that Europe is not a country. Same with Friends. They all play dumb and extreme personalitites. Over the top Ditzy Blond girl, Retarded but sweet Hunk guy, Chandler who thought everyone was an idiot all the time by the facial expressions he made, Over the top sister to guys who plays giraffe on " Madagascar", etc, etc. I think Jennifer Aniston was the most normal character there, but despite how normal she was, she worked as a waitress and had some balding Albino checking her out all the time and waited on her friends. Two of them she really waited on!


@ Mr. Khan

It is surprising that it was so rushed since Orson Scott Card has basically been working on it publically since around 1996. Unless Gavin Hood totally reworked the entire thing when he took charge of it.

I was reading up on the film. There is a war room? Supposedly it is the size of a few football fields. Then there was some anti-gravity effects in the film as well? Those were done off of two new inventions. One is called a Lollipop arm, which is a counter balance, like a teeter totter to help people look like they can leap far distances, and there was also a machine that made it look like they were riding an air hockey puck. Floating through air if you will. Many of the actors and the film itself was shot at Nasa and they did a lot of training for it.

Too bad it is getting mediocre reviews. But for a 110 million dollar budget it has a good chance of making it's money back. There is not much competition since Bad Grandpa made most of it's gross last weekend I am sure. Sadly some may have already gotten their Sci Fi'x with the movie " Gravity". But if it does do well....maybe another one could fix this one's problems.


Yah, Screenplay was done in 2009, and Gavin Hood was attached in 2010. So it should have had plenty of time to develop.  Summit Entertainment is a hit or miss company. Known for trying to turn books into hit films....such as ..cough..Twilight.

I decided to see Planes over Ender's Game last night. Planes was actually a good Disney film, I will wait for Ender at the Dollar Show.

spurgeonnintendoryan said:

@ Mr. Khan

It is surprising that it was so rushed since Orson Scott Card has basically been working on it publically since around 1996. Unless Gavin Hood totally reworked the entire thing when he took charge of it.

The script is fine for what it was. It rushed through the beginning portion of the narrative, but otherwise I believe it's acceptable. It nailed the ending.

Now, the performances are a mixed bag. Most of the young actors sucked (thankfully, Butterfield is the opposite). But most of the adult actors were good, even some of the minor characters like John Paul Wiggin (Ender's dad). Harrison Ford, of course, was perfectly cast for the role.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
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the last days on mars 

found this I will watch it tonight maybe you are interested..

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.