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Tetsuo The Iron Man (japan)

i cant say much either you like it or you dont. from the same writer director as the movie above i posted.. Shinya Tsukamoto.

and this

also Shinya Tsukamoto I think dis one has a genious conclusion. its about a married couple who lost touch and what brings them closer together is another man. some scenes just dont make sense to me but i guess this is how he works lol im going to watch more of his movies because they are simply amazing they suck you into another world literally.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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I just watched Star Trek into darkness. Hmm, well pretty graphics. Rest was very average, even less star trek then the first one. At times it felt more like a spoof on Star Trek. I was about as emotionally engaged with the story as with Star Trek Nemesis, and intellectually the bullshit alarms wouldn't stop ringing. Actually the show down between the two mismatched ships in Nemesis was better.
The red planet at the start was the most interesting part of the movie, shame it was just there for a silly action scene.

Wrath of Khan + Nemesis + 9/11 themes + over the top shaky action scenes = 5.5/10
I didn't feel like watching the extras after.

SvennoJ said:
I just watched Star Trek into darkness. Hmm, well pretty graphics. Rest was very average, even less star trek then the first one. At times it felt more like a spoof on Star Trek. I was about as emotionally engaged with the story as with Star Trek Nemesis, and intellectually the bullshit alarms wouldn't stop ringing. Actually the show down between the two mismatched ships in Nemesis was better.
The red planet at the start was the most interesting part of the movie, shame it was just there for a silly action scene.

Wrath of Khan + Nemesis + 9/11 themes + over the top shaky action scenes = 5.5/10
I didn't feel like watching the extras after.

with all the CGI and stuff of course its going to be more a action movie there is no room for oldschool star trek. sci fi lost the battle vs CGI long ago i think..I couldnt compare new and old ST because it is simply unfair. even the dialogues in this one felt like over the top action scenes so I rated this movie for what it is. new age sci fi ,cgi action packed flick.

finished season 2 of breaking bad..737 LOL

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

kljesta64 said:
SvennoJ said:
I just watched Star Trek into darkness. Hmm, well pretty graphics. Rest was very average, even less star trek then the first one. At times it felt more like a spoof on Star Trek. I was about as emotionally engaged with the story as with Star Trek Nemesis, and intellectually the bullshit alarms wouldn't stop ringing. Actually the show down between the two mismatched ships in Nemesis was better.
The red planet at the start was the most interesting part of the movie, shame it was just there for a silly action scene.

Wrath of Khan + Nemesis + 9/11 themes + over the top shaky action scenes = 5.5/10
I didn't feel like watching the extras after.

with all the CGI and stuff of course its going to be more a action movie there is no room for oldschool star trek. sci fi lost the battle vs CGI long ago i think..I couldnt compare new and old ST because it is simply unfair. even the dialogues in this one felt like over the top action scenes so I rated this movie for what it is. new age sci fi ,cgi action packed flick.

finished season 2 of breaking bad..737 LOL

Blockbuster sci-fi sure, the cgi scenes are no longer the icing on the cake with a few very impactful memorable scenes. Now it's the main focus and a constant barrage of cgi action. And yes the dialogue suffered for it too. I prefer Oblivion over this.
I'm still looking forward to watching Europa report, coming in October. Looks like a solid exploration sci-fi movie.

I was just looking up Galaxy quest on imdb as that's what the style of the new Star Trek reminds me of, no wonder, check the trivia quote:
In the Audio Commentary for Star Trek, Director J.J. Abrams says, "By the way, I think we've all gone on record as saying one of our favorite 'Trek' films is 'Galaxy Quest'.

SvennoJ said:
kljesta64 said:
SvennoJ said:
I just watched Star Trek into darkness. Hmm, well pretty graphics. Rest was very average, even less star trek then the first one. At times it felt more like a spoof on Star Trek. I was about as emotionally engaged with the story as with Star Trek Nemesis, and intellectually the bullshit alarms wouldn't stop ringing. Actually the show down between the two mismatched ships in Nemesis was better.
The red planet at the start was the most interesting part of the movie, shame it was just there for a silly action scene.

Wrath of Khan + Nemesis + 9/11 themes + over the top shaky action scenes = 5.5/10
I didn't feel like watching the extras after.

with all the CGI and stuff of course its going to be more a action movie there is no room for oldschool star trek. sci fi lost the battle vs CGI long ago i think..I couldnt compare new and old ST because it is simply unfair. even the dialogues in this one felt like over the top action scenes so I rated this movie for what it is. new age sci fi ,cgi action packed flick.

finished season 2 of breaking bad..737 LOL

Blockbuster sci-fi sure, the cgi scenes are no longer the icing on the cake with a few very impactful memorable scenes. Now it's the main focus and a constant barrage of cgi action. And yes the dialogue suffered for it too. I prefer Oblivion over this.
I'm still looking forward to watching Europa report, coming in October. Looks like a solid exploration sci-fi movie.

I was just looking up Galaxy quest on imdb as that's what the style of the new Star Trek reminds me of, no wonder, check the trivia quote:
In the Audio Commentary for Star Trek, Director J.J. Abrams says, "By the way, I think we've all gone on record as saying one of our favorite 'Trek' films is 'Galaxy Quest'.

i totally forgot about europa report its already up on TPB .. (web dl) awesome quality 720p. I will probably watch it tonight and post what i think.. and wow Gravity 96 on metascore lol

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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kljesta64 said:

i totally forgot about europa report its already up on TPB .. (web dl) awesome quality 720p. I will probably watch it tonight and post what i think.. and wow Gravity 96 on metascore lol

Is Gravity out already? Ratings from 1164 users, official release date is october 4th. A lot of pre screenings I guess.
Europa report's blu-ray is on October 8, still a month away.

I just finished reading The girl who played with fire. Wow what a rollercoaster ride, one of the best thrillers I've ever read. One particular passage was very hard to read for me, damn imagination getting the best of me. I never had so many rapid mood swings while reading a book, going from laughing out loud one minute to racing through the pages being afraid for what's coming next.  I'm almost hesitant to start the 3rd book, how can he keep this streak going.
Love the quick to the point and almost screenplay like writing style with all the the little details 9.5/10


just finished watching europa report..i won't spoil anything. the movie really gives you the sense like you are out there in space and is exciting at times thats the best part and most important one..acting could have been better and i didnt like the ending or the conclusion because of that i'll give it an 7.5 out of 10

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Thanks for not spoiling anything. It has my interest because of all the technical stuff, collaboration with nasa in making the movie. I'm just hoping they don't find any cliche space monsters at the end.

spurgeonryan said:

REgular Show!

i watch regular show every day with my kid awesome cartoon also gumball and adventure time  i think gumball is my favorite

hulk vs wolverine isnt exactly new..its two stories i think one with wolverine they didnt show who won and one with thor i remember hulk kicking his ass lol


welcome back spurge

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

I just saw these on Eurogamer, article on Abrams complaining about a disappointing Star Trek game.
Hilarious videos, and so true unfortunately. Warning tons of spoilers if you haven't seen the movies yet.

Very funny, and please please JJ Abrams leave the undiscovered country alone. It's probably going to be 80% explosions, space battles, fist fights and kirk and spock going behind enemy lines with some Cuban missile crisis nonsense plot to expose the Blingons and force a peace treaty.