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Forums - General Discussion - I gotta fight a fat guy in a few hours. Goodbye. UPDATE: Never underestimate fat guys.

Jay520 said:

We are fighting because of a heated argument when we both called each other some hurtful names. We already had a fairly hostile relationship. I guess this was just the strawberry on the icing.

-----UPDATE: Post fight---------------------------

Obviously not wanting to fight anymore, he was like "you gonna say sorry?". I was like "you gonna say sorry?". Then he was like "you called me fat". And this 'argument' continued for about two minutes combined with some weak shoves and grabs. Eventually the argument changed to "don't call me fat anymore", "don't call me assface anymore","as long as you don't call me fat",etc. While the argument was going on, he picked up his items from his friend and it looked like the fight was over. I was happy. I didn't want to fight anymore.

I think I should have listened to those who told me not to fight.

You guys seriously got in a fight because of an argument?  What is this world coming too....  Childish is all I can say.

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NintendoPie said:
toadslayer72 said:

Yes you did, stop trying to play it off as if you predicted something amazing.....I told you bro.

No, you didn't. If you did I can't remember, it was my own guess.

Now I know you are crazy. That or you are just fucking with me. I do 50 posts per page and it's on page 7.


I won't challenge you to a fight though and I am pretty fat these days. But don't sleep on me cause I'm fast and can fight ;)

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

Mertle said:
This thread smells like an "I want attention" thread which probably didn't really happen. However if it were true why would you take any advice from people on THIS site, when half of it seems like its full of gay people who can't throw a punch.


If you were here since the beginning, then you'd know this thread was for advice, so yeah, I guess it was for attention. The only reason I updated it is because many users became curious about the outcome.

Also, what does being gay have to do with anything the topic? Don't infest this thread with your homophobia.

mysticstryk said:
Jay520 said:

We are fighting because of a heated argument when we both called each other some hurtful names. We already had a fairly hostile relationship. I guess this was just the strawberry on the icing.

-----UPDATE: Post fight---------------------------

Obviously not wanting to fight anymore, he was like "you gonna say sorry?". I was like "you gonna say sorry?". Then he was like "you called me fat". And this 'argument' continued for about two minutes combined with some weak shoves and grabs. Eventually the argument changed to "don't call me fat anymore", "don't call me assface anymore","as long as you don't call me fat",etc. While the argument was going on, he picked up his items from his friend and it looked like the fight was over. I was happy. I didn't want to fight anymore.

I think I should have listened to those who told me not to fight.

You guys seriously got in a fight because of an argument?  What is this world coming too....  Childish is all I can say.

Who said I was mature?

Besides, if I didn't accept the fight, everyone would have though that I was a punked and they would have shunned me. Then I would have no real friends to talk to.

I know what you're thinking: they're not worthy of being friends if they think like that. I know, but as social creatures, we humans NEED human interaction and the persons in my community are all I have contact with. That's what I'm going to have to settle for, even if they have horrible morals.

FattyDingDong said:
I am kinda glad that you got your ass handed to you because you kinda deserve it. no offense though.

I expect nothing less from you FDD. This post is almost as parodoxical as when you said "No offense, but you sound retarded."

Around the Network
superchunk said:
Hey Ass Face,

Make sure you update the thread with your healing updates. Probably be pretty entertaining.

My healing updates? I'm not that badly injured.

Uhh the skin on my face is a bit sensitive I guess and my back isn't 100% quite yet. ...and that's about it.

Jay520 said:
FattyDingDong said:
I am kinda glad that you got your ass handed to you because you kinda deserve it. no offense though.

I expect nothing less from you FDD. This post is almost as parodoxical as when you said "No offense, but you sound retarded."

You have a smart mouth Jay, no wonder you get your a$$ beat.  :)

I trust no one, not even myself.

FattyDingDong said:
Jay520 said:
FattyDingDong said:
I am kinda glad that you got your ass handed to you because you kinda deserve it. no offense though.

I expect nothing less from you FDD. This post is almost as parodoxical as when you said "No offense, but you sound retarded."

You have a smart mouth Jay, no wonder you get your a$$ beat.  :)

My ass beat? What? I only get a few small bruises and maybe some muscular over-exertion. Soon, I'll heal up completely and my body will adapt and I'll be stronger than before the fight.

Jay520 said:

 My ass beat? What? I only get a few small bruises and maybe some muscular over-exertion. Soon, I'll heal up completely and my body will adapt and I'll be stronger than before the fight.

I thought you learned? Do not fight again Jay!

NintendoPie said:
Jay520 said:

 My ass beat? What? I only get a few small bruises and maybe some muscular over-exertion. Soon, I'll heal up completely and my body will adapt and I'll be stronger than before the fight.

I thought you learned? Do not fight again Jay!

No of course not. I'm just telling him how soon I'll be back to and above perfect condition in such a short time. Showing that I didn't get my ass kicked (badly)