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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Origin refunding Mass Effect 3 purchases

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yo_john117 said:

Regarding loop holes. I know they are there (although they didn't really cross my mind until people pointed them out). But other than being slightly annoying it's not a big deal at all. Plenty of TV shows and games have loop holes. Take for instance Dr. Who, which is one of my favorite TV shows, has many loopholes but that doesn't stop it from being completely awesome. Halo games also have a few loopholes but I still love those game. And I've noticed a lot of people mistaking lack of explaining about things in the ending of ME3 as a's not.

As for choices please explain to me how exactly your choices could honestly effect the ending that much? Either way the Reapers have to be stopped and the galaxy needs to be saved...and there aren't very many ways of how that would be possible. So really the 3 endings thing make the most sense. Your choices in previous games and ME3 effected what happened in the meat of the campaign (and it shows in how you gather forces in ME3).

Really the only thing I wish could be changed in the endings is some more explanation/detail. Overall the ending is better than most other video game endings I have seen.

I'm sorry but if you didn't notice the loop holes then you can't really have played the games. There are SO many and a lot of them are ridiculously big. The only way I can see anyone not noticing them is if they had only played ME3.

How could your choices have affected it? Ermmm in a million different ways? Why can't my Shep simply refuse to take any of the choices and instead say they will fight the reapers the way they always have? Why he can't he argue and reason with the A.I like he always has? Why doesn't the amount of military strength I have make a difference? Why does the fact I'm paragon or renegade not make even the slightest difference? I played 100 hours+ over 3 games making every single paragon choice I could, someone else played 100 hours+ over 3 games making every single renegade choice. So the endings are......? Oh erm identical.

To Panama if you think the gears of war 2 or God of War 3 endings are comparable to ME3 then you musn't have played them. The endings to those two games are masterpieces compared to the ME3 ending. Seriously even with Bioshock, that people complained had a dreadful ending, I didn't mind too much. I thought it was a slight tone shift but nothing too terrible. An ending the quality of the Bioshock one would be a million times better than the ME3 ending. 

It's pretty telling that the vast majority of people saying ''Oh I don't get how people can be so annoyed about it'' are people who haven't actually played the games.  Especially when they make statements such as they don't see how choices could have affected it. Look at the ending of ME2. The choices you make, how ready you are and even how quickly you went to the final mission make HUGE differences. Likewise you can make a very big moral choice that had big implications for the third game (well at least it seemed so at the time). 

Edit: For d21lewis. If your Shep dies at the end of two then you cannot import him to ME3. For your character that is it. He is dead and his story is finished. Your only choice is to start a new character. So yea it pretty massively affects the game because for your Shep there is no ME3 lol, he is gone. 

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

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Again, I'm not very far into ME3 but I wonder what people expected. Even a game like inFamous offered a lot of choices but how many endings could there have been? These games are limited by the creators. They have to record audio, motion capture, and everything else for these endings that 1/3 of the audience will never see. It's not like Chrono Trigger where you can just switch some text around. People may have come into this with unrealistic expectations. I'd love a butterfly effect where the drink I got at the bar in ME2 was the difference whether the universe lives or died but that just can't be the case.

*future me will likely side with all of the pissed of fans, though*

d21lewis said:
One thing I want to know: In Mass Effect 2, anybody in the game on your team could die. Anybody.....including Commander Shepherd. What happens if you start ME3 using a file where Shepherd died? Does THAT choice impact the game?

You can't import a save file where Shepherd died.

d21lewis said:
Again, I'm not very far into ME3 but I wonder what people expected. Even a game like inFamous offered a lot of choices but how many endings could there have been? These games are limited by the creators. They have to record audio, motion capture, and everything else for these endings that 1/3 of the audience will never see. It's not like Chrono Trigger where you can just switch some text around. People may have come into this with unrealistic expectations. I'd love a butterfly effect where the drink I got at the bar in ME2 was the difference whether the universe lives or died but that just can't be the case.

*future me will likely side with all of the pissed of fans, though*

It wouldn't have been that hard to have some texts appear after the ending credits that explained the outcomes of some of the major decisions, like the ones telling you what happens to your companions in Jade Empire. Instead we get this.

Rhonin the wizard said:
d21lewis said:
One thing I want to know: In Mass Effect 2, anybody in the game on your team could die. Anybody.....including Commander Shepherd. What happens if you start ME3 using a file where Shepherd died? Does THAT choice impact the game?

You can't import a save file where Shepherd died.

Oh that's fucked up.  They said the story would still go on!!

Zim said:

I'm sorry but if you didn't notice the loop holes then you can't really have played the games. There are SO many and a lot of them are ridiculously big. The only way I can see anyone not noticing them is if they had only played ME3.

It's pretty telling that the vast majority of people saying ''Oh I don't get how people can be so annoyed about it'' are people who haven't actually played the games.  Especially when they make statements such as they don't see how choices could have affected it. Look at the ending of ME2. The choices you make, how ready you are and even how quickly you went to the final mission make HUGE differences. Likewise you can make a very big moral choice that had big implications for the third game (well at least it seemed so at the time). 

I've sort of made this argument. In ME1, you seemingly can decide whether the council lives or dies which seems to have big implications for ME2. But, It doesn't.

See here's the thing. I think Bioware botched it for themselves a bit. because the endings do differentiate. Depending on the readyness rating which is dependant on prior decisions in mass effect games. It affects the outcome of the ending, and isn't a simple button press. So what they said wasn't really a lie, just misleading.

The problem is, is that you have less direct control, if you just max out the readiness rating. Your decisions of the past just come down to a small number which can be nullified by playing multiplayer for an hour. 

All you could really control, in ME2  at the end was who lived or died (which you can in ME3 mostly, and entire races, but this occurs throughout the entire game, which you could argue is better), and whether you give the destroy the collectors base (just like whether or not you save the council, just like what outcome you press in 3). 

I'm not arguing plotholes, as there some in the ending and through out. I'm arguing (possibly for the sake of arguing :P), and that ME3's plot devices was the norm for bioware. 

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marioboy2004 said:
SO if I'm a Zelda fan and didn't like the ending and felt like I was being ripped off than I should demand a refund? C'mon give me a break, no video game is perfect if its 95% good than the majority of it is good. If you want to see imperfection than look in the mirror, cmon no one and nothing in life is perfect just deal with it. There were no moral issues here.

That's not the case... everyone know you can decide any path in Zelda and at the end receive the same END.

Mass Effect is suppose to be a game with player choice to change the END of epic adventure.

Derixs said:
What crap, boohoo i didn't like the ending. I want my money back. Think you can do that at a theater as well.... So many babies...

you can do that at most theatres. In fact yu can do this almost any where. Wether it be a restauraunt, or retail establishment. Many companies prefer to keep a customer happy and loose out on one sale to get them to keep coming back.

zero129 said:
yo_john117 said:
zero129 said:

That would be all well and good near the start of development etc, when they are promising this and that. But when the game is finished (And they said it was finished 3 months before release), to promise such things is just false lies, and imo was done to troll fans.


It could of effect the ending alot. instead they choose to give you 3 options that all have the one outcome, i mean do you really think shaped would pick to destory the mass relays knowing all them other races etc would be trapped in sol?. Why didn't they give us an option to save the mass relays etc??. why would you're crew be running away??.  Anyway imo Shaped is knocked out after being hit with the beam. That's why in the good ending you see him breathing, and bioware will give us the rest of the game in an expension pack, Not dlc i hope. as i wouldn't mind paying for an expension pack, but i would be pissed if i had to pay for dlc with the real ending in it.

Like I said. It doesn't matter when or how they promise things in a just never listen to them. That should be one of the cardinal rules of gaming.

And really all of what you did in all 3 ME games boiled down to 1 thing in ME3...saving humanity and other races from getting destroyed by the Reapers. There just isn't a whole lot of room for choice there. Really all they could have done is add a few small things in some of those cutscenes that showed the impact of your choices in the games. 

I could have sworn that at least one of the options wouldn't destroy the Mass Relays. As for the crew running away...well I'm not sure. (that could be one of the plot holes or it could be a use your imagination and fill in the blanks) I imagine Bioware made it that way to give a dramatic effect to the end.

Nope, all the ending's the mass relays get destoryed. As we seen in ME2 destorying a Mass Relay means destorying that galaxy. So pretty much in all the endings Shaped destoryed earth, plus god only knows how many other galaxy's that had Mass Relays, and whatever races was there too. so that was a great ending don't ya think??. They could of giving us the option of not destorying the mass relays and using that weapon they where building to destory/ weaken the reapers. and if it did only weaking the reapers, this is where the war assets would come into play, as going by how many you had would mean you win or lose.

I admit, that would have been nice. I don't understand why the Mass Relays had to explode for every ending but I think the boy race/ascended being had something to do with that. I think a lot of the negativity around the ending is simply because it's quite an unhappy ending. Nobody wants Shephard to die nor the systems with mass relays to be destroyed. Also I don't know if Earth was necessarily destroyed since Sol's Mass Relay is so far away past even Pluto.

Zim said:
yo_john117 said:

Regarding loop holes. I know they are there (although they didn't really cross my mind until people pointed them out). But other than being slightly annoying it's not a big deal at all. Plenty of TV shows and games have loop holes. Take for instance Dr. Who, which is one of my favorite TV shows, has many loopholes but that doesn't stop it from being completely awesome. Halo games also have a few loopholes but I still love those game. And I've noticed a lot of people mistaking lack of explaining about things in the ending of ME3 as a's not.

As for choices please explain to me how exactly your choices could honestly effect the ending that much? Either way the Reapers have to be stopped and the galaxy needs to be saved...and there aren't very many ways of how that would be possible. So really the 3 endings thing make the most sense. Your choices in previous games and ME3 effected what happened in the meat of the campaign (and it shows in how you gather forces in ME3).

Really the only thing I wish could be changed in the endings is some more explanation/detail. Overall the ending is better than most other video game endings I have seen.

I'm sorry but if you didn't notice the loop holes then you can't really have played the games. There are SO many and a lot of them are ridiculously big. The only way I can see anyone not noticing them is if they had only played ME3.

How could your choices have affected it? Ermmm in a million different ways? Why can't my Shep simply refuse to take any of the choices and instead say they will fight the reapers the way they always have? Why he can't he argue and reason with the A.I How do you know it's an A.I? More than likely it's an ascended being. like he always has? Why doesn't the amount of military strength I have make a difference?  It does make a difference in that are you going to make it to the end or not? And are you going to get the best ending or not? Why does the fact I'm paragon or renegade not make even the slightest difference? It makes a difference whilst you play the game. I played 100 hours+ over 3 games making every single paragon choice I could, someone else played 100 hours+ over 3 games making every single renegade choice. So the endings are......? Oh erm identical.

To Panama if you think the gears of war 2 or God of War 3 endings are comparable to ME3 then you musn't have played them. Stop accusing people that they haven't played games simply because they disagree with you. The endings to those two games are masterpieces compared to the ME3 ending. Seriously even with Bioshock, that people complained had a dreadful ending, I didn't mind too much. I thought it was a slight tone shift but nothing too terrible. An ending the quality of the Bioshock one would be a million times better than the ME3 ending. 

It's pretty telling that the vast majority of people saying ''Oh I don't get how people can be so annoyed about it'' are people who haven't actually played the games.  Especially when they make statements such as they don't see how choices could have affected it. Look at the ending of ME2. The choices you make, how ready you are and even how quickly you went to the final mission make HUGE differences. Likewise you can make a very big moral choice that had big implications for the third game (well at least it seemed so at the time). 

Edit: For d21lewis. If your Shep dies at the end of two then you cannot import him to ME3. For your character that is it. He is dead and his story is finished. Your only choice is to start a new character. So yea it pretty massively affects the game because for your Shep there is no ME3 lol, he is gone. 

I am getting absolutely sick of people accusing me of not playing/not liking the ME series JUST because I don't agree with them.


I played ME2 about a year ago and ME about 3 years ago so like all TV shows, movies and games I only remember some of the really big events that happened. And like I said, so many awesome games and TV shows have plot holes but that doesn't make them bad. You guys are nitpicking EVERYTHING simply because you didn't like the ending.

The ending in ME2 hardly had any choice you save the collector base or destroy it.

meant to edit not reply.